Finished my mods on the CX601mill existing quill DRO. I thought the existing DRO was hard to see (no backlight) and I wanted to sum the quill movement with the Z axis and display it on my DRO tablet. There didn't seem to be any way to output the signal from the existing PC board so thought I'd add a mag tape to the back of the DRO measuring bar and mount another sensor on a 3d printed back plate replacing the existing steel one. The cable routes easily through the headstock. All seems to work well and both DRO's work simultaneously.

Original DRO on the machine

Existing DRO taken apart. Steel backplate on right.

Original steel backplate and new 3d printed backplate and sensor mount

Revised DRO assembly ready to install

Original DRO on the machine

Existing DRO taken apart. Steel backplate on right.

Original steel backplate and new 3d printed backplate and sensor mount

Revised DRO assembly ready to install