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CX601 Mill - Adding DRO's

Joe Kirby

Just completed adding X,Y and Z axis DRO's to a CX601 mill. Tried to keep things very simple but still needed to maintain accuracy. Used self adhesive 10mm wide magnetic tape (1 micron) in a stainless/mag tape/stainless sandwich. Brackets are 3D printed and I may make from aluminum at a later date if needed. Adhesive is 3M VHB tape which is very strong and oil resistant. Removed the X and Z axis measuring tapes and reused the machined grooves for the magnetic tape.
Hopefully the following photos will be self explanatory.
Also just completed simple design for adding quill DRO and summing to Z axis. Will add photos later.

20230308_113425.jpg 20230308_113447.jpg 20230310_164309.jpg


Ultra Member
Premium Member

From my experience, you should also assess and consider the need for cable relief. I had one cable shield pull out of the read head body. I epoxied it back and added relief. Good for peace of mind.


Premium Member
You taped the scales on? Interesting another good 3M product. Let’s see the dro head. Nice project.


Ultra Member
Premium Member
You taped the scales on? Interesting another good 3M product. Let’s see the dro head. Nice project.

Actually, that exactly how the scales are held in aluminium scale extrusions. A piece of double sided tape (not sure if it's 3M) is applied to the Aluminium channel, then the magnetic scale is put on top of the tape. For some magnetic scales, a strip of stainless is inserted into the grooves of the extrusion above the magnetic strip and for others the stainless strip is actually taped to the magnetic strip the same way as the magnetic strip is attached to the channel. In other words, double sided tape between the magnetic strip and the channel, and another strip of double sided tape between the magnetic strip and the stainless strip.

Joe Kirby

The self adhesive mag tape c/w stainless covers is available (1 or 5 micron) from companies like Ditron or Fivetecnc on Aliexpress at about CAN$70 per meter. Photo below shows readout head which is just an android tablet running over bluetooth (no cables). I use Touch DRO software from Yuri's Toys in the US.



Premium Member
The self adhesive mag tape c/w stainless covers is available (1 or 5 micron) from companies like Ditron or Fivetecnc on Aliexpress at about CAN$70 per meter. Photo below shows readout head which is just an android tablet running over bluetooth (no cables). I use Touch DRO software from Yuri's Toys in the US.

View attachment 32044

What are the cables from the scales connected to?


Active Member
Nice clean install. I’m sourcing out the 3m tape and the “blue box”. What about the sensors them selves? Did you get them separately or buy with the mag. tape?


Premium Member
The self adhesive mag tape c/w stainless covers is available (1 or 5 micron) from companies like Ditron or Fivetecnc on Aliexpress at about CAN$70 per meter. Photo below shows readout head which is just an android tablet running over bluetooth (no cables). I use Touch DRO software from Yuri's Toys in the US.

View attachment 32044
@Joe Kirby What is the tablet holder you have? Can you rotate it eaily when you flip the (software) screen orientation?

I too am putting together a TouchDRO system.

D :cool:

Joe Kirby

Nice clean install. I’m sourcing out the 3m tape and the “blue box”. What about the sensors them selves? Did you get them separately or buy with the mag. tape?
I shouldn't have mentioned the 3M tape - that is just the adhesive tape on the back of the mag scale tape as supplied
@Joe Kirby What is the tablet holder you have? Can you rotate it eaily when you flip the (software) screen orientation?

I too am putting together a TouchDRO system.

D :cool:

You can get both the tape and the sensors from Ditron, Fivetecnc (and others) on Aliexpress. Make sure the mag tape magnetic coding matches the sensor. I used tape with 2+2mm coding which is good for 1 micron sensors. To be safe you can buy both from the same supplier.. When you buy the sensor the order page usually shows the tape availability in various lengths. The 5 micron tape and sensor is usually quite a bit cheaper.


Premium Member
@Joe Kirby - great install.
Did you have any issues with programming? I briefly looked at the TouchDRO web site and saw there is some command line programming involved in getting all working.
I have a couple of of tablets and this would be a good use for one of them.


Premium Member
@Joe Kirby - great install.
Did you have any issues with programming? I briefly looked at the TouchDRO web site and saw there is some command line programming involved in getting all working.
I have a couple of of tablets and this would be a good use for one of them.
If you get the scale adapter circuit card from Yuriy's Toys then there is no coding to do, it's plug and play. You can brew up an Arduino or similar home made circuit if you wish, you will need code for that. More info on the TouchDRO site.

If you're new to Android then you have to learn a little about working in the environment but having just navigated it there are no showstoppers EXCEPT DO NOT plan on using a new Samsung tablet, they recently updated their Bluetooth driver and it is not compatible with TouchDRO. See the TouchDRO site and below. I got lucky and was able to return my new Samsung and get a Lenovo Tab10.

If you have an old Samsung then there is an OS release ceiling under which the tablet will work fine (EDIT: .OS 12 and under System Requirements) Details at the TouchDRO site. I should say now that Yuriy has a really good site documenting the DRO including operating manual and clear, step by step instructions on how to assemble the adapter circuit card if you buy the non-assembled version. Fully assembled is available.

I printed the manual DOUBLE SIDED and it is just under half an inch thick. I think it's better than Ditron's manual.

D :cool:
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Premium Member
Adapter circuit card it will be!
Thanks for the heads up on Samsung, I'll have to check and see what I have. The other half is the Android literate person in our house so I will have knowledge handy.


Ultra Member
If you get the scale adapter circuit card from Yuriy's Toys then there is no coding to do, it's plug and play. You can brew up an Arduino or similar home made circuit if you wish, you will need code for that. More info on the TouchDRO site.

If you're new to Android then you have to learn a little about working in the environment but having just navigated it there are no showstoppers EXCEPT DO NOT plan on using a Samsung tablet, they recently broke their Bluetooth driver and it is not compatible with TouchDRO. See the TouchDRO site and below. I got lucky and was able to return my new Samsung and get a Lenovo Tab10.

If you have an old Samsung then there is an OS release ceiling under which the tablet will work fine. Details at the TouchDRO site. I should say now that Yuriy has a really good site documenting the DRO including operating manual and clear, step by step instructions on how to assemble the adapter circuit card if you buy the non-assembled version. Fully assembled is available.

I printed the manual DOUBLE SIDED and it is just under half an inch thick. I think it's better than Ditron's manual.

D :cool:
I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab A. I should be just fine...