Mine is only 45hp. I wish it was 75. The 5210 is the bottom of the 5000 series. But being at the bottom has its advantages. Same block as the bigger one but no turbo to cause trouble. And same loader for all them so WAAAY more lift than needed. Just a little slow - who cares.
Got mine way back when for the same reasons. Sold a Ford 8N that hated winter and bought the Deere that will start without block heat at 20 below.
Looking closely at your tractor, they don't look a lot different to my eyes. Mine is only a wee bit bigger and has front wheel assist as well as R4 industrial tires.
Just saying you would love it if you can find one.
Great plans for that tree. Can't beat the sentimental value.
I did similar things with a cherry tree from my folks back yard. I still have some slabs waiting for the right job. I have Walnut and wild black cherry here at the farm, but no wood mill.
The running joke with me, is that I have to plant a tree to grow the wood for a woodworking project. In this case, I'm just finishing what my grandfather started lol.
I wish I had some nice timber to mill here like that, but It's mostly scotch pine, poplar, birch and ash that I'll be milling. I do have a few nice big black walnut, and big white pine, but will get my fill with the scotch pine for the most part. Our forest plan includes cutting most of it out to allow the hardwood undergrowth to thrive. I do plant some walnuts every year, but I won't be the one to harvest those. They'll make some nice boards for somebody someday. The squirrels bury the nuts, and I replant the saplings when they sprout up into more suitable locations. I do the same for my sugar maples, and somebody will enjoy a nice productive sugar bush one day. I doubt I'll ever get to tap one of them in my time here.
I almost bought an 8n instead of this Massey. Pretty much the same thing almost, except this one had loader, was cheaper, and the guy delivered it for free the next day, after he felt pity on me showing up in a snowmobile suit in December ready to drive it 20kms home lol. It's always needed a bit of work here and there, but now it needs too much for me to justify throwing money into it. You know that feeling when you just get tired of working on something and just want to use it? I don't use it for snow anymore, I bought a $500 jeep with a plow, heater, radio, and cupholder for that

. There isn't 10 square feet of flat ground on my entire property (that includes my garage floor), so a heavier wider tractor would be better, but I'm leaning more towards a smaller kubota with backhoe right now, as I think It might be a better fit for what I need, but will all depend what is available next spring. I'm going to be more selective this time around.