Made a bit of progress. I reinforced (as previously discussed) the ripper beam with 1/4" plates top and bottom and have added the pin retainers. I decided that this would be a good excuse to practice a bit with the plasma cutter. It is a nice tool and probably a great tool in good hands. First plates I cut too far inside of the marked lines and cut the outside of the plate following a marker line drawn on the steel. A combination of black marker on ugly steel, poor eye sight and shaking like a recovering addict, those lines are not nice. So, next, I found 2" x 1/4" strapping, cut it to length on the band saw, and paid more attention to my inside cut lines. I also turned the amps down on the cutter. Much nicer, but I still had to use the dreaded hand file, but much less than the first versions. (hate filing...

) You can see in the photos that I put the uglier ones on the bottom and the nicer looking ones on the top.....
I also had to weld a couple of pieces together for one of the side plates since I am trying to use up some stock I had. And I wanted practice running straight beads. I noted that some box blades have sides only 13" high and around, but 19" long. This sounded short but I figure that a 12" x 19" x 48" box full of dirt (1/4 yard) will be more than my little tractor can pull, so, realistically, 12 1/2" high should be fine. I ordered a scraper blade from a local tractor supply house. Most box blades have 2 but I will see what I am getting and how the blade looks before I order a second. Not sure how much I will be pushing with this thing.
Having 12 1/2" sides does pose a problem I did not see coming. The lowest hole on the ripper shank causes the tooth ends to be about 12" from the top of the beam, so I will need to mound the beam near the top of the sides. Not a problem. I have also seen box blades with the rippers upside down. I wondered why. Now I know. Probably for the same reason. Once I get the mounting frame figured out, I will see if the rippers upside down will be a pita.
Learning as we go. A reminder for me that I am not nearly as good as a stick welder as I like to think I am.....
A good heavy coat of Tremclad and keep dirt on will be fine......