With the renovations on going, our landscaping needs are changing. Going from cutting the grass to levelling the new septic field and scraping the excess excavated dirt from the front lawn, etc. After looking at box blades, land planes, rear graders, I decided that the box blade will be the most useful/versatile for me. Locally, a Yanmar is about $1400 and that is actually about the best price I have seen. Many in my size (48") are close to or over 2K US dollars. So despite having too many projects going already, I decided to throw this one in the pile. It seems like a great welding project that I will pick away at here and then, rainy days, etc.
I found ripper shanks on a US farmers site, Agrisupply, for $16 buck each! Can't build them for that and the tips are replaceable. Ordered up 5 of those, even though most small box blades only have 4. Figured more is better, right?
Found some1/4" plate at a local steel fab shop, and a piece of 4" x 8' longsquare tubing on Kijiji for $75. So far, pretty cheap project.
This morning while management was sleeping (ie too early to start banging nails on the house) I made the main ripper beam. I could have used the plasma but with limited experience with it, and it is buried behind the other project in my shop, I decided that drilling two holes and zipping out the middle would be efficient enough, and probably neater than the plasma torch in my hands anyways. I bit of air grinding and old school filing and the beam is ready to go. Rewarding little project for a quiet Saturday morning. Last photo is sort of the end goal, but we will see......?

I found ripper shanks on a US farmers site, Agrisupply, for $16 buck each! Can't build them for that and the tips are replaceable. Ordered up 5 of those, even though most small box blades only have 4. Figured more is better, right?

This morning while management was sleeping (ie too early to start banging nails on the house) I made the main ripper beam. I could have used the plasma but with limited experience with it, and it is buried behind the other project in my shop, I decided that drilling two holes and zipping out the middle would be efficient enough, and probably neater than the plasma torch in my hands anyways. I bit of air grinding and old school filing and the beam is ready to go. Rewarding little project for a quiet Saturday morning. Last photo is sort of the end goal, but we will see......?

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