• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

Add your first name & picture to your profile please - what do you all think?

First name and Picture on your account - your opinion.

  • Yes, first name and picture is ok.

    Votes: 89 56.7%
  • Yes, first name but no picture

    Votes: 41 26.1%
  • Yes, picture only, no first name.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No thanks. I'm just not comfortable with this.

    Votes: 25 15.9%
  • I have another idea - posting about it.

    Votes: 2 1.3%

  • Total voters
Yes your right when people say firearms are dangerous well in my hand it's only dangerous for the deer or the paper target. But with a computer they can destroy your life not killing you but affecting your mental. Imagine you look at your bank account nothing ok you got protection but how stress you gone a be before everything will get back to normal.
@Marc Moreau - I guess it's always a good time to tell funny stories......

I was travelling in Quebec with my wife during the height of the separatist movement. We were deep into the strongest area and we got lost (well, not really lost but didn't know how to get to where we planned to go).

So we decided to stop at a small gasoline service station and get a map. The fellow who helped us wasn't in any mood to attempt english. But I couldn't remember what the French word for map was. So I attempted to describe one.

Je desir un grande morceau de papier avec les linge et les route et les ville et les derection pour mon journee.

He stared at me for a good minute and then broke out into a huge belly laugh. "Ah, un carte!" I proudly said "Oui, UN carte!" and laughed too. We both had a great broken conversation after that and then he invited my wife and I to join his family for lunch. It was wonderful. It was an amazing experience just for giving it a try!
There is a lot of those stupid people they work in gaz station because they are not smart enought to get a better job but they don't care about loosing her job. This is bad french or english a customer is the person who put money in the cash. Same thing now when you call somewhere do 1 for other service dial 2 ect where was the time who you talk with a person who was helping you. People will say they hire only immigrant why ? some young person don't want to work.
There is a lot of those stupid people they work in gaz station because they are not smart enought to get a better job but they don't care about loosing her job. This is bad french or english a customer is the person who put money in the cash. Same thing now when you call somewhere do 1 for other service dial 2 ect where was the time who you talk with a person who was helping you. People will say they hire only immigrant why ? some young person don't want to work.

Lotta truth in all that Marc.

Farmers around me hire dozens of migrant workers each. Thousands in the area. Yet young Canadians are unemployed.
Lotta truth in all that Marc.

Farmers around me hire dozens of migrant workers each. Thousands in the area. Yet young Canadians are unemployed.
I just happened to wander in here, so I'm not trying to take this down a different path, but as a previous employer of foreign workers, I can't help but respond.
I use to hear what you say, all the time. I couldn't fill my positions even though there were unemployed all around. The truth is, no one wants to hire foreign workers. It's a lot more work and contrary to what is commonly said, it is a lot more expensive. I would have much preferred to have hired the "unemployed". Unfortunately, they wouldn't apply.
Sorry for the sidetrack....I now return you to your regularly scheduled program....
This is an old thread, but I will still add that I do not post pictures of myself on the web and do not like to reveal my identity.
Until there is a way to eliminate identity theft, I shall forever be shrouded in mystery. (insert ghoulish laugh)
This is an old thread, but I will still add that I do not post pictures of myself on the web and do not like to reveal my identity.
Until there is a way to eliminate identity theft, I shall forever be shrouded in mystery. (insert ghoulish laugh)
I agree totally. Maybe just post the City of residence and that's it
I don't resided in a city (thank christ) or even a small town. I'm out in the sticks, 8 miles from the nearest pub.
I belong to a few groups, I share my name privately. There is enough innocent enough information out there on the wild wild web that could cause harm should someone desire to do so.

As we become friends, let me select whom I want to share I private information with.
So we have a bit of a dilemma: in order to have the right 'feel' to create a closer community, The operators here would like more 'intimacy' and hoped more people would add profile pictures. But we are searchable and accessible to robots and 'bad actors' that might steal our pictures and use them for bad purposes.

Firstly - let me say that this virtual community is one of the best around. We've had very few 'bad actors', no one falsely selling nonexistent machines to dupe members, and very few flames/rants, and a tiny fraction of the drama that occurs on HobbyMachinist.com

There are a lot of ways to skin this community cat.

Starting with photos: One thing is suggesting ways to make the unauthorized use of your photo too bothersome to capture. I have done my face in profile, but that is one of a hundred ways to do it. If anyone is interested, I can post a thread on this.

Locations: I feel that being 'one in a million' is about right for location. So I might use Calgary, or GTA, or 'Northern Ontario' 'Windsor' is too small, so "Southern Ontario' would suffice.

On Names, if you have a common first name 'Dave' or 'John' doesn't identify you, but 'Wilfred' will single you out too well. Unless your first and last names are really common, avoid first name and initial. Correlations on this are astoundingly accurate. I have chosen to directly allow correlation between this and a few other machining sites by using the same name, 'Dabbler' because I want people to know I am that same person.

On other sites I use completely different handles.

Mostly, in order to have people get to know you socially, you have to reveal some of who you are in the postings, instead of just sticking 'to the facts'. Opinions help. anecdotes help even more.

This, however can go too far. Strong feelings in controversial areas only divide instead of creating community. No longer is it just politics and religion. It can be any controversy. There is no need to proselytize here.

If you are online at all, and you use a search engine, or do any online banking, you are already tracked. Your browser uniquely identifies you, so for those that haven't revealed anything about themselves, know if you have only browser, you are completely and uniquely profiled all over the internet already. I use 7 browsers, for instance, each of which have 4 or 5 levels of anti-tracking provisions added to them (which also creates a kind of unique fingerprint).

There are a lot of ways to engage so the community HERE gets to know you without risking any kind of identity theft. There are ways to make your info unsuitable for tracking, but can help members interact with YOU well here, which is what this is all about.
Been on the internet since the early 80's, wrote my first commercial software back then too. Fully aware how much information is out there to be found and the more scary part, know how to find it.

Leave the choice to the members at what level of exposure is acceptable (even if it is only provides a false sense of security).
PERSONALLY; I go by my real name and image everywhere online.

I've always preferred that people know who I actually am and that I have nothing to hide.

I personally find that sharing location information (at least the "region") very valuable; I'd hate to get into a chat with someone about potentially helping them out or performing some work with/for them; only to find out that they are literally a half a country away. TO ME; approx location is very helpful and assists me in knowing when to keep looking at something or to move on.

THAT SAID; I know that there's a lot of people that feel uncomfortable or choose not to want to share such information online.

I'm totally a newb around here; so I too have no recommendations for which direction to go (or expectations that anyone would want to listen anyhow!)
The caragana sticks, the only trees for miles.:)
I too just opened this thread for the first time and your post reminded me of something ... so it's story time :)

My first wife and I bought a house in the Forest Grove area in Saskatoon 30-ish years go. The house was one of the first built in the area, not counting the CP homes built beside their yards. Anyway there was a HUGE caragana outside the side door, and when trying to trim it I noticed it's trunk (!) had been cut down before ... it too was HUGE. When chatting with a knowable neighbour I learned that the property would have been part of the Forestry Farm at one time , so our caragana was likely part of the development stock of the Sutherland Caragana, and just maybe the great-great-grand-pappy of your windbreak sticks :)

Dave <-- always enjoyed a little caragana nectar after being introduced the the flower when in public school in the mid 1960s.
PERSONALLY; I go by my real name and image everywhere online.

I've always preferred that people know who I actually am and that I have nothing to hide.

I personally find that sharing location information (at least the "region") very valuable; I'd hate to get into a chat with someone about potentially helping them out or performing some work with/for them; only to find out that they are literally a half a country away. TO ME; approx location is very helpful and assists me in knowing when to keep looking at something or to move on.

THAT SAID; I know that there's a lot of people that feel uncomfortable or choose not to want to share such information online.

I'm totally a newb around here; so I too have no recommendations for which direction to go (or expectations that anyone would want to listen anyhow!)
I think you are right on the money !!
The photo can be anything . . . and some of the existing cartoon images used are good.

The important part is a heads-up about the general location.
I have quickly met a few members that are close to me in Kitchener, ON.
It lends well to improving some cooperative efforts and possible tool sharing.
I think everyone has the right to choose his nickname and profile picture ---- The differences between each other is the best mark to identify each other. I want the freedom of choice - if you can add a subtitle, you can add a suffix such as one smile-shandongchina