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3/16" Plate steel supplier in Calgary?

A friend welded a couple of workbenches up from 2.5" .125 wall square tubing for me, and I'm looking to source a couple of pieces of 3/16" plate for tops. Dimensions are roughly 30" x 76".

Any suggestions? I know I'll pay for cutting/shearing to size.
They all do retail. I don’t know about shearing. I know Calgary metals has a shear because I bought some cutoffs from them. It was 20 gauge stuff though.
They use a generic table/list for all their products. I think the price is $284.20.

Perhaps a phone call to confirm?
seeing as the requirement is 3/16, I thought post some market info we're experiencing as its not limited to just our area. I don't know if any of you guys are in a business that consumes steel, but prices have gone bezerk. Check out the St Louis Fed graph below. Covid has wreaked havoc on supply chains - where do you ever see a chart like that, the dot come mania, tulip bulbs?

3/16 is the worst affected and in short supply. Most of the major services centres, e.g. Russell, Samuel etc are no bidding 3/16 or if they have the odd scrap, ration you. Yes, we are being rationed right now....most services centres won't accept PO's for more than 10tons per order (not even a full truck load). Quotes are good for 24 hours (a year ago was 30 days). If someone does have 3/16 we're seeing quotes of 1.4- 1.6 a pound for 44W (basic prime sheet). This was sheet you'd buy as much as you wanted of for $0.40 - 0.45/ lb a year ago. At present, we have to be careful what work we quote based on steel availability.

Their price of $284 is $1.16/lb which has got to be an old price or its old stock and they just aren't paying attention. If it is the right price, put me down for 30 tons :).

If you call and get an updated price, please post...curious.

Good news is, most rational economic thought is that it will be back down by the end of the year

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@Mcgyver Thanks for your informative post.

I know lumber futures /1000 bd ft have dropped significantly for Sept, I wonder if steel will follow suit...

Graph is $$$$'s per 1000 bd ft of standard SPF lumber.
good luck buying steel right now, if you can hold off i would if i were you, these prices are bound to go back to somewhat normal in the next year

3/16 is bad....you should try and buy steel Q-Decking right now, or joists for a building, it is completely out of control
@Mcgyver Thanks for your informative post.

I know lumber futures /1000 bd ft have dropped significantly for Sept, I wonder if steel will follow suit...

Graph is $$$$'s per 1000 bd ft of standard SPF lumber.

Just a followup on steel futures: steel futures contracts have not followed lumber's significant downward trend and remain quite high.


No respite in sight for steel buyers.