Saw that in the email today. I like it too, but would prefer fingers. I could always make a separate finger upper....BUT, I have more steel in the rack, than money in the bank right now, so.......
When I design stuff like this for my use I tend to do it 2 ways. Try to think of every single project I'm going to possibly use it for, and try to come up with a bunch of creative ways to build it, and make it as complicated and feature packed as possible

. Or I have a peek in the material rack, drag out the easiest to access chunks that could work, and whip up something as quick as possible and get to using it..... The first method is the one that leads to things that never get done (cough belt grinder cough) but it's the most mentally enjoyable to me. The 2nd is probably what's going to happen here, as the first couple projects I want it for, I don't actually NEED a finger brake to make, I just want one lol.
I might do the same with my belt grinder too, and just make a simple and cheap non adjustable one, as it would sure be handy......