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World's Cheapest shop, OR Luddite's CAD replacement tool

If people want to wait I can model full size machines and then scale them down to make scale 3d printable files

I am more than happy to wait, but it wouldn't do me any good without a 3D printer. I'm still not ready for that yet.
This would be so much better than what I do....... I just buy something new and start moving machines around until things fit......
Lol sounds like me. After a few I started putting most things on wheels/engine hoist for the stuff without.
I always figured MY 'final' Shop Layout, was likely to come about the same time I bought a second former High School, to use as my shop space!

One room for each interest, and a bunch of extra rooms to store the 'spare' stuff!
I saw a school for sale cheap a couple years ago... great idea.
I saw a school for sale cheap a couple years ago... great idea.
Sadly, I have seen several, while I lived in Saskatchewan! Many, sadly, were in towns that no longer were able to justify their existence with an actual population...

None the less, I still think that a building of that size and general arrangement, seems most suited for my mixed attentions! :)
There was an 8000 sq ft school with a full sized gymnasium for sale near Quesnel a couple of years ago, 8 acres, on the main highway, $142,000 ask.

I considered it for a moment, and realized it would take over 300K (If I did all the work myself) to rehab it and make it liveable... In my 40s, I'd have done it.
While many of us "dream" of that super large shop, never forget that it needs "some" up keep, maintinance and maybe heat!
Now if I can just clip the wings on the 747, I think I can get it in there!
There was an 8000 sq ft school with a full sized gymnasium for sale near Quesnel a couple of years ago, 8 acres, on the main highway, $142,000 ask.

I considered it for a moment, and realized it would take over 300K (If I did all the work myself) to rehab it and make it liveable... In my 40s, I'd have done it.

I'd just all over a deal like that in Ontario even if I were 80