I spent a year in a Private School on Vancouver Island.
Corporal punishment was still a thing.
Depending on the severity and egregiousness of your 'crimes', you might suffer being put to work doing grounds keeping on the weekends, at an hour labor per offense, or you might get 'beats', caning, which was being struck across your underwear clad rump, while flat-handed on the seat of a chair. Minor crime got you beat two, or beat four. Most you could get was beat six, six welts on yer hind. Knew a couple guys got beat six, four days in a row...wasn't me!
The Headmaster used a four foot section of fiberglass bicycle antenna, that had a hockey tape handle and a wrist strap. Did THAT ever sting! But you got on with it, took your beats, went back to the dorms (usually showing off yer welts, and laughing it off), and got on with whatever you were going to do that day.
We all turned out surprisingly normal anyways! LOL!
I was asked to not come back, after I cut another kid up with a knife. To be perfectly fair, he was holding me against a wall, my heels off the ground, as he was choking me. Never got the FULL story why nothing came of that, but I gathered that the staff at the school made it pretty clear to the other kid's parents, that given the situation, self defense was likely to be the end call, and pursuing it through the Courts was not like to solve the problem.