The reason pre-made stuff is hard to beat price wise is because it's not the same insulation/jacket, and often the conductors are not even the size they claim to be
The stuff you buy off the roll is often sjow or soow, basically rubber jacket, high strand count conductor, the stuff most cords are made from is a vinyl or polyethylene mix, stiff, thin, poor wear resistance, horrible in the cold, lower strand count and often undersized conductor
You can buy sjow cords premade...they are very expensive (relatively), and the jacket is much thinner than the bulk, so even then it's not the same
I go through a lot of extension cords, and always try to get at least sjow cords for winter use, this is something I have looked into and spent many of my dollaroonies on
I'm not saying don't buy the China 8awg, but do know there is a reason they are cheaper
I agree with
@SomeGuy, the NEMA 6-50 plugs/ends out there aren't great, I much prefer twist locks, but home welders come with 6-50, and at 30$ a pop it's hard to justify switching things over