You can't have really been in an eastern traffic circle in rush hour.......
1) they eliminate the possibility of a t-bone accident (all too common).
Not really. Too many idiots don't know how to use a traffic circle and ram right into a car in the circle.
2) the capacity for the intersection to handle traffic flow is about 40% higher.
I agree. But only if you keep the idiots off of it. NAs have no idea how to use a circle. They plug it up sitting there or nudging in and often get into fender benders that plug it up for days.
3) saves a little on gas for each car - with many cars, it adds up.
Again, only if used properly. The majority around here have no clue. They go around and around for 6 months wasting gas.
4) eliminates the ignominy of sitting at 11pm at a red light with no traffic in sight
OK, I'll give you that one. Of course, that assumes you don't have to wait for hours for an idiot too afraid to enter the circle.
5) In our municipality, it is about 25% cheaper than installing and operating a traffic light.
In our municipality, everything road related is 100x over budget and long past schedule.
6) it calms traffic speeds in residential areas
Unless everyone is as nuts as Ontarians are. They plug up the circle and lean on their horns just they do in India.
Nothing calm about a traffic circle in Ontario......
So, to be honest, I agree with all your points. The potential is there! Too bad so many Ontario drivers have no idea how to use a traffic circle. 50% are afraid of them, 25% are way too aggressive and deliberately block out on-comers, 15% don't know how to exit once they get in, and only 1 in 10 has a clue.
My darling bride is part of the 50%. She turns to frozen salt if there is anyone else within eyesight of the circle. She is mortified of becoming a problem and therefore she is.
I learned to love traffic circles overseas, and I celebrated their arrival here. But now I wish we never tried them cuz drivers here are too clueless. IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!
@Perry, it took me less than one day to use it! Thank you again!