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They finally found it in the warehouse and I brought it home.

Now, as a minor apology for my trip down memory lane, I am gonna suggest that anyone that wants to, can move almost anything, with a tripod of decent sized logs, and a chainfall hoist! It won't be fast, but it'll get you where you need to go, in local terms! Lift, lower, scootch the legs forward, repeat!

I did just so, walking a 4000 pound milling machine across rough ground. It's a matter of inches, but inches add up to feet and yards!

I have also walked an addition to a house trailer, across a fair few yards of distance, in order that it be joined to the building it belonged to. 10 and 12 ton hydraulic jacks, and a porta power cylinder, a lot of cribbing, and nobody bothering you, and you can accomplish rather a lot!
Oh. My Great Grandfather's house. https://www.historicplaces.ca/en/rep-reg/place-lieu.aspx?id=6767

It was originally on 15 Acres. My Aunt ,<spit> split it up to make some money off of it and to get clear of the taxes, about which I am less vehement!

I would likely feel less inclined to release my bladder on her headstone, had she not been the executor of my Father's estate, during which, she told me outright, that had she any way to accomplish it, I would get nothing of the home I now have!
To the positive, she died afflicted with dementia, and had no ideas who the people around her were. I was happy enough to hear that she died, that she died scared and alone, was a wee comfort to me!
John, when you get to the downtown in front of the Empress, there is actually a plaque there relating to my Great GrandFather, Dr. Oswald Meridith Jones. He was a pretty big thing. About which, I heard nothing, while I would have been able to ask the folks that knew him, directly. He was, apparently, the head of the BC Medical Assn. for several terms.

His Medical Practice was in a building at 711 Government Street, now probably better known for being a place to go buy a lady of negotiable affection! He was an early adopter of such radical practices, as sterilization of surgical instruments, as well as stopping the passers by, from wandering in to the Surgery, to watch the show there! He also spent a great deal of his life caring for wounded Veterans, at no charge. He went home after performing one such surgery, went to bed, and did not awake. 1918.
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Which is my plan with the engine hoist. Lift. Let it swing in the direction I want. Drop. Move hoist 6". Lift. Let it swing...
Which is my plan with the engine hoist. Lift. Let it swing in the direction I want. Drop. Move hoist 6". Lift. Let it swing...
Yep. Good plan.

When all you risk is inches, you risk little! :)

I have a rather good collection of chains and binders these days. So maybe that flavors my opinions.

I had a rather close call, many years back, where I managed to overcenter the worlds (maybe) tallest back yard swing set. About 40 feet up to the cross bar. Unfortunately, as I pulled it all over center after cutting the two far legs, one buckled, and it headed for my house!

True story. I said "F" the fence or the garden!, matted the truck I was pulling with, and managed to avoid hitting my house at all! Shockingly, I avoided hitting the fence too. The Raspberry bushes DID take a beating... I was OK with that!
OK. My turn.

Pulling a stump with the jeep. Went well. Pulled out but the stretch on the rope was a tad elastic and the stump went up and over the jeep. Would have been fine except for this branch from a tree in front of the jeep hanging in the jeep's direction. Stump hit branch. Forward momentum stopped. Gravity took over. Stump went straight down onto the hood of the jeep.

My wife still laughs about that to this day.
Now, as a minor apology for my trip down memory lane, I am gonna suggest that anyone that wants to, can move almost anything, with a tripod of decent sized logs, and a chainfall hoist! It won't be fast, but it'll get you where you need to go, in local terms! Lift, lower, scootch the legs forward, repeat!

I did just so, walking a 4000 pound milling machine across rough ground. It's a matter of inches, but inches add up to feet and yards!

I have also walked an addition to a house trailer, across a fair few yards of distance, in order that it be joined to the building it belonged to. 10 and 12 ton hydraulic jacks, and a porta power cylinder, a lot of cribbing, and nobody bothering you, and you can accomplish rather a lot!
77CC94AD-2687-4555-8DF9-DA1330EBB973.jpegI’m going from memory so likely going to butcher the facts- they moved cape Hatteras lighthouse inland 2900 feet. I think the rams could push 5 feet before needing to be reset. Neat piece of history, not so much fun walking up the stairs to the top of it
I will have to read Grampa's book again and re-establish the connection between them. I assumed the Amphion..... I have a silver cup that was presented to my great grandfather from the crew of the Amphion in 1905. There was a bit of a disconnect between my grandfather and his parents, so not much verbal history was passed along.
View attachment 35081I’m going from memory so likely going to butcher the facts- they moved cape Hatteras lighthouse inland 2900 feet. I think the rams could push 5 feet before needing to be reset. Neat piece of history, not so much fun walking up the stairs to the top of it
Been there and surfed (first time surfing so it was further down the beach by a couple of miles) and windsurfed there in 50+knots of wind on the sound side (at the Frisco Bay campground).

Absolutely wild times.

Before anyone asks we clocked the windspeed on the beach in the wind shadow so out on the water it was higher. Sail size 2.7sq m.
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