I've been looking for a set of stubby bits for drilling threading holes. I'm getting tired of standard bits wandering when drilling and think stubbies would be better. The problem is that no one (that I've found) sells a set of stubby bits for threading holes. I talked to @SkookumRob but he only sells in packages of 6 and 12 bits for the sizes I'm looking at. So that means I would end up with up to 12 sets of bits.
Attached is the list and prices of the bits I'm interested in.
If there are 11 members who be interested in this set of bits it will be about $90 shipped. I know this isn't cheap but having the more ridgid bits for drilling/tapping in one place will be handy.
DM me if interested.
Attached is the list and prices of the bits I'm interested in.
If there are 11 members who be interested in this set of bits it will be about $90 shipped. I know this isn't cheap but having the more ridgid bits for drilling/tapping in one place will be handy.
DM me if interested.