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Small repair....

Flats are full length 180 degrees apart ?
How critical is the 11mm diameter, would 12.86mm work ?
Would 6061 T6 or 2024 T3 work ?
Yes full length 180 degrees apart
No, 12.86 mm is too big, 11mm is the max size 10.5mm is the minimum
Yes, probably. But regular aluminum will suffice.
Damn, no wonder I couldn't find him.
I've been spending too much lately so I have lotsa boxes and packing material. It was actually just a brave and cunning plan to get rid of some excess garbage.
Just ran across your post. jorogi has graciously offered to help you out. Im a neighbour in Calabogie. Tied up tomorrow but could mill them for you Tuesday if your in a rush. Same deal a donation to CHMW&M

Hi Greg, thanks for the kind offer but jorogi has already stepped up.
Whaat....too much? The blueberries just finished their season but there's another short blueberry season near Shawinigan Quebec starting soon, some sort of micro climate thing.....
Here's the finished product.
I'm gonna send some photos to the manufacturer in the States, "here's how it's done"