Also look out for the UPS insurance. If you decide to purchase it you better read the fine print "Terms and Conditions".
They will fight you tooth and nail to the end. Make you jump through a lot of hoops. The box you sent the item in, better be marked with appropriate ratings are else you are not covered. In my case my box and packaging met all of the requirements and they still did not want to play nice.
They will make you try to submit a claim on their website. To use their website you must agree to another set of "Terms and Conditions". Read them. I did and I did not agree with them.
In order to file my claim, they wanted photos. These could not be sent to them because their in house email would not allow in coming photos due to "security" issues. I would not use their online claim process .........
So in the end I set up a website for them and posted my photos. Before you could view them, they had to agree to MY terms and conditions. (Which was basically a copy of their terms and conditions modified to give me the benefits. Four of their employees agreed and that is when I got my foot in the door.
Didn't take long for a cheque for the cost of my original shipping, damages and a very serious looking letter from some one who I guess would have legal training to revoke the access granted to me by their employees.
Sorry for the rant. I did win...but did I? The time to accomplish this was not worth it.