Member discussions about the recent trade tariffs have highlighted some significant differences of opinion that have led to numerous member complaints. We take all complaints and improvement suggestions seriously. After reviewing the root cause of these problems and the policies in place at other similar forums, a decision has been made to expand the forum terms and rules. In particular, discussion of government and public policy issues not related to metal working will no longer be allowed. Past threads and posts of this nature will be deleted as they are found. Please use the reporting system to help us do that fairly and equitably.
Our forum is first and foremost a place to share our hobby interests, help each other learn more about metal working, and solve related problems. This mission has not changed. With the changes we are making, it is our sincere hope that we can improve on our mission while retaining our unique Canadian content and presence and the overall experience that our members enjoy on our forum.
Please read the expanded terms and rules. Your continued use of the forum constitutes your agreement to abide by them. Read the amended rules here:
Despite a very serious effort by the forum and server staff to repair the loss of images in some old posts that occurred during our move to a new server, we have simply not been successful. It is time to accept that overall loss and move forward.
As long as it does not become too onerous, individual images can be repaired by the member who posted them by editing their old post and re-adding the photo(s). Please send a PM to @David or @Susquatch if you need help doing this.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Member discussions about the recent trade tariffs have highlighted some significant differences of opinion that have led to numerous member complaints. We take all complaints and improvement suggestions seriously. After reviewing the root cause of these problems and the policies in place at other similar forums, a decision has been made to expand the forum terms and rules. In particular, discussion of government and public policy issues not related to metal working will no longer be allowed. Past threads and posts of this nature will be deleted as they are found. Please use the reporting system to help us do that fairly and equitably.
Our forum is first and foremost a place to share our hobby interests, help each other learn more about metal working, and solve related problems. This mission has not changed. With the changes we are making, it is our sincere hope that we can improve on our mission while retaining our unique Canadian content and presence and the overall experience that our members enjoy on our forum.
Please read the expanded terms and rules. Your continued use of the forum constitutes your agreement to abide by them. Read the amended rules here:

Terms and rules
You must agree to these terms and rules before using the site.

Despite a very serious effort by the forum and server staff to repair the loss of images in some old posts that occurred during our move to a new server, we have simply not been successful. It is time to accept that overall loss and move forward.
As long as it does not become too onerous, individual images can be repaired by the member who posted them by editing their old post and re-adding the photo(s). Please send a PM to @David or @Susquatch if you need help doing this.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.