Project Plans Forum - 2 general discussion about the forum goes here.


This is the thread to discuss the project plans forum. Not to discuss projects but to discuss what happens in this forum. If people have questions or ideas this is the place.


Premium Member
The rules if you post: 'You agree not to disable the plans and drawings or posts should you leave the site, or be asked to leave'.

Just saying, Murphey's Law says It's going to happen John!

Depending on one's server, PC, program, hard drive failure (heaven forbid) or plain old finger trouble I believe this rule will be hard to police, even harder for any member to explain the reason why especially when he has so little control over the process.


I don't understand what you are saying Bill. I reworded the phrase to say: You agree not to disable the plans and drawings or posts should you withdraw your membership to the forum, or be asked to withdraw.

Is there something I'm missing?


Ultra Member
Premium Member
I think we need and explanation as to what happens when we “upload” a plan (or anything for that matter) to this site. Stuff like ”where do the pictures / plans go“ after upload. Who can then manipulate the uploaded images, articles., etc.

I believe Dusty is worried that if he has a computer crash on his end, that stuff he posted here (articles, comments, pictures, etc.) will be lost.

Maybe I am missing his point.


Premium Member
Hello, yes Robinhood you have my basic thoughts on this topic. Something beyond any member's control. Thank you!


Oh I see. ok well the forum thread you write and post your plans to is the final destination. It's all stored on the server Josh runs - @Jwest7788 - is that server space you rent? Anyway the whole forum is stored on the server including the content we write. Once you post it's copied there and should be permanent. If you lose your computer or whatever nothing will happen to the posting.

As for who can edit - right now only forum admins can edit. I'm hoping Josh can make changes so the author of the post can edit and nobody else can. That way you can make improvements or fix mistakes to your post.


Premium Member
Are project posters going to get edit privilege? I have a correction already....


Out to pasture Red Seal Millwright
I see. I'm gonna spend a day reading all I can here. It's grown on you veterans there's a lot for a new guy to digest. Please disregard my suggest of Sunday 02-07 11:36 John. Experience is a hard teacher - test first lesson later lol