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Princess Auto - Ottawa:Toolboxes !

I decided to go back to get a second one, but I called before I drove. I was only home 5 minutes and it takes about 10 minutes to get home. They told me they all sold (about 5) within 20 minutes. I guess I just had good timing, I almost walked right past then noticed the little sticker and was curious what that little sticker was all about.
I picked up the other one on sale a while ago but not this cheap. So now I have twins......
I decided to go back to get a second one, but I called before I drove. I was only home 5 minutes and it takes about 10 minutes to get home. They told me they all sold (about 5) within 20 minutes. I guess I just had good timing, I almost walked right past then noticed the little sticker and was curious what that little sticker was all about.
Now I have twins......
View attachment 55007
Even a blind squirrel gets the odd nut. Good score. :D
Now I have to ask, are the other tool box handles actually blue or is that still the protective shipping film?
Very jealous on the tool box score, that would have got me a long way towards organizing my collets and endmills.
Now I have to ask, are the other tool box handles actually blue or is that still the protective shipping film?
Very jealous on the tool box score, that would have got me a long way towards organizing my collets and endmills.
No not protective covers, they are anodized blue, must have been the funky color of the year way back.

If I scored the second one, that's what I was going to use it for, I pictured it hanging on my milling machine tool chest. One thing for sure every time I enter PA I will be scanning the stuff displayed in the entrance for those little stickers;-)

Who knows the bargains I have walked past?
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Even a blind squirrel gets the odd nut. Good score. :D


Fun fact. Squirrels don't find their nuts by sight. They have an incredible sense of smell and they find nuts by scent not by sight. So blind squirrels would find just as many nuts as any other squirrel. Perhaps even more cuz they wouldn't be distracted by sights around them.

But then again, they might die early trying to judge the size of the dog by its smell.......

Fun fact. Squirrels don't find their nuts by sight. They have an incredible sense of smell and they find nuts by scent not by sight. So blind squirrels would find just as many nuts as any other squirrel. Perhaps even more cuz they wouldn't be distracted by sights around them.

But then again, they might die early trying to judge the size of the dog by its smell.......
Interestingly a year or two ago I was doing some lawn work in the backyard and noticed this very healthy looking and large grey squirrel wasn't exhibiting the typical dart away when I got too close behaviour. He was about a foot off the ground in a cedar hedge and I walked up to within 3' of him and wondered if it was possible he was blind? As his head rotated around so I would be in his view he did not respond at all. I was amazed that he was alive at all, never mind looking so healthy. Obviously I just let him be and wished him the best. We have a lot of fox in the neighborhood and they are really adept at catching squirrels I have no idea how this guy avoided them.

A year before that we actually had a den of foxes under our shed and the three little ones would play in our backyard all day every day. The mother would semi snooze in the sun just keeping an eye on them and from time to time get up inspect them and then doze off again. Then she would disappear for a short time like 20 minutes and come back with a squirrel it seemed she could catch them effortlessly.
Interestingly a year or two ago I was doing some lawn work in the backyard and noticed this very healthy looking and large grey squirrel wasn't exhibiting the typical dart away when I got too close behaviour. He was about a foot off the ground in a cedar hedge and I walked up to within 3' of him and wondered if it was possible he was blind? As his head rotated around so I would be in his view he did not respond at all. I was amazed that he was alive at all, never mind looking so healthy. Obviously I just let him be and wished him the best. We have a lot of fox in the neighborhood and they are really adept at catching squirrels I have no idea how this guy avoided them.

A year before that we actually had a den of foxes under our shed and the three little ones would play in our backyard all day every day. The mother would semi snooze in the sun just keeping an eye on them and from time to time get up inspect them and then doze off again. Then she would disappear for a short time like 20 minutes and come back with a squirrel it seemed she could catch them effortlessly.
These were my under the shed dwellers about 3 years ago.
You can see mom waiting for the squirrels & birds by the gate.


Tonight we are having meatloaf.


We're you feeding them?
How tame/skiddish where they when you were around?

We need a post your backyard wildlife in the off topic section.

I made a circular lawn in the back 100' diameter with flowers around the circle. I dug a trench for irrigation that runs around the perimeter where the grass meets the mulch. After digging but before putting in the irrigation lines, the little ones loved to run around that trench like it was the indy 500, sometimes two would be going full speed in opposite directions and when they came face to face they would jump about 4' in the air to avoid a head on collision. It was hilarious to watch.

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Well since the tool box story /sale came to a close 20 minutes after it started, may as well drift away....
This is my first post from a RaspberryPi that I plan to use for Linuxcnc for the lathe. I continue to be amazed at just how simple and fast it is to get a PI / Linux installed, running and connected to the internet everything just seems to magically work right out of the box, no updates, no drivers, just plug and play. This little Pi bord is not much bigger than a credit card and the largest chip is about the size of a quarter. No idea how Windows squanders hardware resources to the extent that a little $50 board can do all this and not need constant updates, security patches etc., impressive.

How's that for drift?
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what / how does the Pi connect to control the CNC? I'm fairly familiar with LinuxCNC, having used MESA 7i76E cards on my mill (pickup pending) and on my Emco Compact 5. Always interested in low cost CNC control options.