Ultra Member
Story of my life!, im just out of ambition for today
Clean looking setup and progress. Love it!
Story of my life!, im just out of ambition for today
Steam only makes it better and more enjoyable! Those were designed for steam so no problem there.@phaxtris
NICE! Your video might be enough to get me to try building one some day.
Would it work on steam? I really wouldn't want to run my compressor for that. I'd prefer to bring it into the house and let the family oooooo and aaaaaa!
problem is you need a boiler
That's not a problem that's an OPPORTUNITY to make one.problem is you need a boiler
Try this?
One steam source for small engines like this ive always wanted to explore would be a cappuccino, or espresso machine. Not sure about pressures etc, but it's essentially a kitchen counter safe "boiler", that could very easily be repurpose for running a small steam engine. With some added safety features of course......
How about a pressure cooker? Maybe outside on the barbeque from a safe distance the first time or two?
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