Great diagnosing and fix @John Conroy !
So Tom, what options are there now for consumables? I was just looking at a hypertherm powermax 1100 at auctionLooks like my Hypertherm just became outdated.
Powermax1100 plasma cutter and consumables | Hypertherm
Torches, consumables and repair parts, cut charts, specs, and manuals for the Hypertherm Powermax1100® plasma cutting
I'm watching a plasma cutter on an auction that closes tomorrow. It's at $475 now, I expect it to close north of $1000 maybe even higher if an idiot buys it out of ignorance. So likely $2000 CAD if it sells for $1000 plus buyers premium and plus almost a thousand for the new kit...No I haven’t gone there yet but I am hoping to pick up some stock before it disappears. I even have the Cnc style torch with 25’ cable that has never been used. I’ll find out more soon I should pick up some O rings up for the Oxy/ acc that have cracked.
Hi John. I tried to message you but the system would not allow it. Can you contact me at 780-686-5657. I understand you have purchased a Precision Mathews machine. Thank you Andy GawlakI have a cheap Chinese plasma cutter that has never performed well and has now quit working completely. I'm pretty sure the torch is at fault and I have ordered a replacement but I'm thinking of buying a better quality machine and scrapping this one. I'd appreciate hearing about other people's experience with their machine and opinions about what to buy.
Awesome find.I made a temporary repair to the old torch using a short length of 3/8" braided hose split lengthwise and slid it over the uncovered portion of the conductor when it was stretched to it's full unfolded length. I just used electrical tape wrapped around the short piece of hose to seal the split and both ends. After re-assembling the torch I now had lots of air flow but still no arc. After watching this video
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I decided to follow his suggestion and check the arc start contacts inside the machine and found they were almost touching. He says in the video to open the gap by bending them. I did that and opened the gap to about 1/8" from about .020" now I have an arc that looks like the one on his machine and it cuts properly. I'll do more performance testing once the new torch arrives. I didn't take any pictures so I used a couple of screen shots from his video to show the arc contacts.
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