I don't know how you stay alive with that business model. It sure as heck wouldn't work around here. I don't try to convince her that she needs anything. My only challenge is figuring out how to avoid her finding out what I bought. I am constantly mixing farming with personal, selling to buy, squirrelling away cash, taking too long to go to pick up some tractor repair parts in Toronto while detouring to Sarnia to buy a Shaper and the list goes on. My only real fear is that she will sell everything for what I told her I paid. And that's just toys. I can't begin to imagine how the conversation will go with a buyer when she tries to sell my farm tractor repair mill on Kijiji. This mill is for tractor repair, the lathe is for seed drilling, this grinder is for grinding course wheat to sell to Argentina, etc etc.
Ya, you need a new shop purchasing business plan or you are gunna get killed.