One Night Stand


Well-Known Member
Mower, I am a maniac. Thank you for the compliment :) :)

Thank you Jswain, 6.5, Eng

Nice N firm Ironman :).

Mickey, it was the second size up, 2x1x3/16" I was happy about that, gave great stiffness


Wait, just saw that huge 'wood' saw behind the stack of wood or maybe not wood saw. You have some toys.


Well-Known Member
If that's your work all "washed up", I'd say you were probably pretty damn good when you were younger. Very nice job! I like the beefy chip pan, Kerf bending like that is a great trick for thicker stuff. Feels like magic.

A stand for my Myford has been on the list since I bought it about 10 years ago. One thing that kills me about mine is the height. I hate short lathes, they are back killers. I'd like to build something similar to yours, and you've given me some ideas.
Thank you for the kind compliment Dan.
I had this boss one time, first real fab shop I worked in. He was a real wild to party a lot. One day he said to me "You're only as good as you think you are" I thought to myself .. you're kind of an egotistical prick..
As the years passed i came to realize, that he was right.

I used what I had, needed to sacrifce the space used to bring something new in. I had 2 similar tables, the other a 3/16 plate but wider and not as flat. I knew the 1/4 thk. Would be less work underneath with supports.

I remembered the Voest I had, high bed height, easy to see the work.
This time , the biggest factor for me was the apron handhweel position so I dont have to extend my arm fully.

I saw on here someone made a stand out of beefy tube.
That was the inspiration to do this. Thanks to them.

Take the time to raise your machine Dan, I will be a lot nicer to use.