I was up in that area on a getaway with the bride. We spent most of Thursday "thrift shopping" for girl toys which is sorta like dumpster diving for tools but useless junk instead. Her feet had gotten sore so she readily agreed to let me stop in to take a boo at the optical center. I don't really know much about them and apparently neither did he. In fact, he said he had never used it.
The optics have only one pair of parallel lines, and there are no provisions for a light of any kind. It is missing some kind of nose piece that uses spring loaded balls to retain it. The rest of the optics and focus seem to work.
As I looked at it, I thought it could probably be used by rotating the main body in the spindle to align it on X and then rotate it 90 degrees again to align it on Y.
So I offered him a hundred, he countered at 170, and I gave him 140. It quite happily jumped into the backseat of the car with us for the rest of our getaway and long drive home.
As the photos show, it came with a 40 taper. But that is removable and I think I can make an adapter to take an R8 arbour to make it usable. I'd a left it there if I figured that couldn't be done. I guess we will see if rotating it back and forth is really as useful as I hope.