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New to me Ammco 6" Metal shaper

they were in the tool chest, they didn't look like Aamco or Atlas when first spotted in the photos. I was just the delivery boy doing someone a favour bringing them east.

Please don't think I was criticizing you. Hell, I'm just grateful to you for pointing me there!

Its just disappointing to know the tailstock was there at the auction but it was in the wrong box. We have all been there, and it's not my first experience.
Ya, that's an obvious application. Good thing I can do (and have done) most of that on my mill though.
Considering that I already had a dividing head, two rotary tables and a handful of gear cutters, I don't know if it was my best use of time. It was more of a case of "I think I can, therefore I should try", plus, I had all the bits and bobs on hand and didn't have to spend a dime on materials.
School wasn't for me, but I have always enjoyed learning something new.
Here are some photos of the indexer.

View attachment 61153

View attachment 61154

And the accessories info from Aamco.

View attachment 61155

You can also see the low profile rotary table - item 1 above.

I'm feeling a bit like I just bought a lathe but the guy before me bought the chucks and tailstock. :(
Nah. You bought the tool, they bought the accessories! If the shaper comes with the vise, you are ahead of the game!

Make best use of the tool, and seek the accessories as you need them!

Seriously, I have way too many accessories, that I thought I needed, but have never used! Sacrilege as that seems, to say it....

Be aware of what is out there, but also, be aware of what you actually need to use to complete your project, and decide if you actually 'need' 'the full set'.
Seriously, I have way too many accessories, that I thought I needed, but have never used! Sacrilege as that seems, to say it....

There is truth to that. The collector part of me wants everything in the catalogue, but the practical part knows most will never be used. Still, we want to avoid travesty .... a dusty box sitting there of every accessories but it's behind the furnace and we miss it :)
I think I can, therefore I should try"

I share this outlook. I'll add - "and it doesn't really matter if I need it" because trying is a blast!

School wasn't for me, but I have always enjoyed learning something new.

Frankly I hated school. But a few years of being a high school drop out and a 12 hr job repetitively doing exactly the same thing every 60 seconds for years on end, cured that problem even if it didn't change how much I hated school. Motivation was a much stronger emotion than hatred.

It's also why I don't like being taught how to do something (which might be related to my dislike of you-tube). I'd much rather figure it out or read a good book on it, or have a 1on1 with someone who actually knows what they are talking about.
The last few years of school were tough a lot of days, thank goodness there was what was called “the industrial arts classes”, auto shop, metal shop, industrial science, drafting, electronics, it made the mandatory “English class” somewhat able to be choked down. Never could figure out all them nouns, pronouns, verbs and so on, never did under line any of that stuff in letters I wrote, or the reports in some of my jobs. It also helped that the 11 English teacher was pretty hot looking, and not a bunch older, on warm sunny spring days when I was starring out the windows nearly going nuts, could notice her doing the same thing sometimes. She came from farm/ranch background too.
And yes welcome to the “shaper club” @Susquatch!
U-tube can be useful, just trying to find someone that doesn’t waste a whole day getting to the point can be worse then English class, if they even get to the point, ever, @#$&#%.
I share this outlook. I'll add - "and it doesn't really matter if I need it" because trying is a blast!

Frankly I hated school. But a few years of being a high school drop out and a 12 hr job repetitively doing exactly the same thing every 60 seconds for years on end, cured that problem even if it didn't change how much I hated school. Motivation was a much stronger emotion than hatred.

It's also why I don't like being taught how to do something (which might be related to my dislike of you-tube). I'd much rather figure it out or read a good book on it, or have a 1on1 with someone who actually knows what they are talking about.
Thank you for stating this. It is nice to know that I am not alone thinking and being this way.


Grimsby Ontario Canada.
The last few years of school were tough a lot of days, thank goodness there was what was called “the industrial arts classes”, auto shop, metal shop, industrial science, drafting, electronics, it made the mandatory “English class” somewhat able to be choked down. Never could figure out all them nouns, pronouns, verbs and so on, never did under line any of that stuff in letters I wrote, or the reports in some of my jobs. It also helped that the 11 English teacher was pretty hot looking, and not a bunch older, on warm sunny spring days when I was starring out the windows nearly going nuts, could notice her doing the same thing sometimes. She came from farm/ranch background too.
And yes welcome to the “shaper club” @Susquatch!
U-tube can be useful, just trying to find someone that doesn’t waste a whole day getting to the point can be worse then English class, if they even get to the point, ever, @#$&#%.
What was the point of Shakesphere? Required, yes. I have never applied any of it, well at least that I can remember, come to thinking I am not so sure I remember any of it.


Grimsby Ontario Canada.
What was the point of Shakesphere? Required, yes. I have never applied any of it, well at least that I can remember, come to thinking I am not so sure I remember any of it.

Because I was a highschool drop out, I had to take the required engineering entry courses in night school in order to get into University. That included English. But I opted for first year English at University instead of night school. BIG MISTAKE! Not like high school English at all. No grammar or spelling. Just stuff like Shakespeare. I was bombing BADLY despite the motivation to succeed.

One day, the Prof asked me to stay after class. Then she asked me about my assignment - which had a big red F at the top. "What were you thinking she asked." "I dunno, it reminded me of how cold and nasty a blizzard is in the winter." I said. She just stared at me for 5 minutes. Then said, "lt's about a virgin who is afraid of sex." I stared at her for 30 seconds and then blurted out something about how all the virgins I had met were hot and horny as hell just trying hard to save themselves. More staring at each other. Then she laughed and said "You don't belong here. But I understand why you are here. If you show up for every single class and hand in all your assignments on time, and give this course a sincere effort, I will pass you." And that's how that went. I was grateful as hell. But I still don't understand the snowstorm or Shakespeare.
Thank you for stating this. It is nice to know that I am not alone thinking and being this way.


Grimsby Ontario Canada.
You are not alone!!! I hated public school with a passion! I dropped out of grade 13 in frustration. Almost got myself expelled that last year. I thought they didn't know how to teach. Felt like I was being wasted. Figured I should have had a University degree already by the time I was in grade 13 but actually had nothing. Just wasted 13 years of my time! If I had ever learned anything by then it was on my own! I was always reading, building rockets, telescopes, radios and making rock collections, insect collections in my free time but barely passing in school. By Grade 13 I was ready to shack up with a girl but had no way to properly support a family. They hadn't taught me any marketable workplace skills yet! I got a low wage job working with engineering surveyors. Saved up all my money and after 3 years went to University. I loved University and eventually got 3 degrees.
The grade 12 English teacher kind of had me figured too, a month before end of the year, I went to him, told him I had a job to go to, and would be leaving. He said,” you are not going to pass English”, at that time you needed English to graduate, maybe still do. I told him I was going and would not be back. He said he would make me a deal, if I never tried to get into university classes, he would pass me, replied to him not a problem. Shook hands on it and off I went. Graduated on a hand shake.
Taken various courses at some college's, stepped inside a few universities, never taken a uni course, holding to the deal still!
I got married and got the third degree!

He’s not at school again.
In second year, I realized if I continued I would end up at best, teaching history in High school. That certainly didn't appeal to a rangatang like me, so I quit and picked up a trade. I was working with very smart guy, "Lee, you're really smart, how come your are here? " He answer was "So long as I make more than a university professor. " We did.
Because I was a highschool drop out, I had to take the required engineering entry courses in night school in order to get into University. That included English. But I opted for first year English at University instead of night school. BIG MISTAKE! Not like high school English at all. No grammar or spelling. Just stuff like Shakespeare. I was bombing BADLY despite the motivation to succeed.

One day, the Prof asked me to stay after class. Then she asked me about my assignment - which had a big red F at the top. "What were you thinking she asked." "I dunno, it reminded me of how cold and nasty a blizzard is in the winter." I said. She just stared at me for 5 minutes. Then said, "lt's about a virgin who is afraid of sex." I stared at her for 30 seconds and then blurted out something about how all the virgins I had met were hot and horny as hell just trying hard to save themselves. More staring at each other. Then she laughed and said "You don't belong here. But I understand why you are here. If you show up for every single class and hand in all your assignments on time, and give this course a sincere effort, I will pass you." And that's how that went. I was grateful as hell. But I still don't understand the snowstorm or Shakespeare.

Never went to university, Trade School yes and I really didn't like it. My last 26 years I worked in Ontario as an Electrical Inspector for Electrical Safety Authority, enjoyed the job very much, but still hated going for training. I did okay but I never liked school then or still now. Neat story. Thank you for sharing.


Grimsby Ontario Canada.
Pick up chicks...
'IF' you are interested, it provides a somewhat biased view, into a period in history where things were very different than they are today, yet some things were SO similar. Like, Romeo and Juliet, who were like, fourteen years old, and suffering all the teen angst that teens have always suffered. And a lot of it was essentially poking fun at the various Royal scandals and foolishness, to be sold to the 'lesser folk'.

I'm another 'hated school' dude. Never had the money in our family, to even consider University, joined the Military because I did not know what I wanted to be when I grew up... Still don't. But the pension is good, and the time spent on various courses, was pure gold! The recruiting Officer I dealt with when I applied, had a knot in his face trying to figure how I had such lackluster scores on my Graduation Certificate (aka Dogwood Certificate here in BC), and scored what I did on their tests.

Best snappy comeback with no delay ever... One of my Sisters-in-Law, used the line "What would you know, you don't even have a Degree!" during a fairly heated discussion. My reply was "You have a Degree, how come you are still stupid!" Her husband had to take the dog for a two hour walk. LOL! On the other hand, her daughter, was trying SO hard, not to choke on her drink, she was laughing so hard! FWIW, my Father-in-Law, told me afterwards that he was walking by and heard me making my case, and decided that it was probably better to not make an appearance. It wasn't meant to be a disapproval.

As I see it, the Education you get should teach you to keep learning, but a lot of folks think that once they graduate, get their degree, etc., that they are DONE learning.
Thread rift in action! LOL!

Post us some pics when you drag yer new toy home, eh?

Lots of guys over the years have said that you can make anything on a shaper except a living, but I have been in a shop in Edmonton that was ABSOLUTELY pristine and clean, about a dozen CNC machines running in a clean well lit area, and one, mongo 24 inch shaper, sitting in the middle of the floor.

When I asked, they said it earned it's floor space, they had an Eastern European Machinist that knew most of the tricks, and that they could charge out rates that would make a Mob Lawyer blush, when they could do things nobody else could.