• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

New member saying hi

You haven't owned a carbureted Ferrari then
No i have not.
But i did own a carbureted Lotus.
My friend and neighbour owned at 1979 Testarossa. It had lots and lots of carburetors.
Given the choice- I’d take a hemi Cuda in a heartbeat.
Welcome from Greely a great bunch of guys with a lot of machining knowledge and ideas,
Once you figure out the riff raff, (hint they like to comment on your first post and spend your money) you'll be just fine.
Curious of what machines you have and what kinds of projects do you have in your future.

I too am close to retiring, starting to feel hands on my back at times, I dipped my toe into this hobby a few years ago and have come to the realization that it provides many positives as I age into retirement, the physical aspect, turning handles lifting chuck builds muscle, cognitively I have learned so much and then putting it practice is another knowledge base to learn and the sky is the limit, mentally it is great for focus and stress relief, socially being on here provides a great array of individuals ideas and thoughts and a way for me to show some of the creativity this hobby has brought of me. I think its going to be a great hobby for me in retirement.
Welcome from Greely a great bunch of guys with a lot of machining knowledge and ideas,
Once you figure out the riff raff, (hint they like to comment on your first post and spend your money) you'll be just fine.
Curious of what machines you have and what kinds of projects do you have in your future.

I too am close to retiring, starting to feel hands on my back at times, I dipped my toe into this hobby a few years ago and have come to the realization that it provides many positives as I age into retirement, the physical aspect, turning handles lifting chuck builds muscle, cognitively I have learned so much and then putting it practice is another knowledge base to learn and the sky is the limit, mentally it is great for focus and stress relief, socially being on here provides a great array of individuals ideas and thoughts and a way for me to show some of the creativity this hobby has brought of me. I think its going to be a great hobby for me in retirement.
Thank you for the warm welcome :)

Your in Greely, just south of Ottawa? If so that's where I grew up (well 4-9yrs old/1972-77. lived on highway 31 just north of Sales barn road and could see Leo's Livestock from the house.

As for machines... not very impressive but a 8x32 Chinese mini-lathe, a very small King drill press, a larger benchtop Jet 16 drill press, a Porter Cable Portaband I mounted on the bench, a BB horizontal bandsaw. other saws and welders and compressor + tools that were mostly support for my past Mopar fever lol

I can retire now but the $'s good and the stress is very low. When they piss me off or I get tired of it I'll go quietly and quickly lol

<edit> Oh forgot, I've been looking around for a 'good enough for me' deal on a mini or benchtop mill. But they are few and far between here local in the Ottawa area. I have been tossing around the idea of making one for myself. Even started designing one. Will see.... my luck is that I'd start and half way through, one fall in my lap. lol
Thank you for the warm welcome :)

Your in Greely, just south of Ottawa? If so that's where I grew up (well 4-9yrs old/1972-77. lived on highway 31 just north of Sales barn road and could see Leo's Livestock from the house.

As for machines... not very impressive but a 8x32 Chinese mini-lathe, a very small King drill press, a larger benchtop Jet 16 drill press, a Porter Cable Portaband I mounted on the bench, a BB horizontal bandsaw. other saws and welders and compressor + tools that were mostly support for my past Mopar fever lol

I can retire now but the $'s good and the stress is very low. When they piss me off or I get tired of it I'll go quietly and quickly lol

<edit> Oh forgot, I've been looking around for a 'good enough for me' deal on a mini or benchtop mill. But they are few and far between here local in the Ottawa area. I have been tossing around the idea of making one for myself. Even started designing one. Will see.... my luck is that I'd start and half way through, one fall in my lap. lol
Yes just south of Ottawa, I have been here 14 years and its changed a lot, can't imagine it back in the 70's .
I saw this mill on facebook, the part that I liked is it has a lot of tooling with it which can save. otherwise your in a bit into the hobby and up to you how much further you want to go and how big your equipment will be.
I am lucky too with work, they are putting more stress on us lately but same here the $$$ is crazy which makes you put up with more lol.

Yes just south of Ottawa, I have been here 14 years and its changed a lot, can't imagine it back in the 70's .
I saw this mill on facebook, the part that I liked is it has a lot of tooling with it which can save. otherwise your in a bit into the hobby and up to you how much further you want to go and how big your equipment will be.
I am lucky too with work, they are putting more stress on us lately but same here the $$$ is crazy which makes you put up with more lol.

View attachment 47909
Good day, I actually replied to the ad and never got a response. Next I looked it was marked sold. I was VERY hesitant as the ad poster was new to FB (a month) and with zero personal posts.
Good day, I actually replied to the ad and never got a response. Next I looked it was marked sold. I was VERY hesitant as the ad poster was new to FB (a month) and with zero personal posts.
It could have been, I didn't check any history, I thought I saw the same ad on kijiji but not sure, end up looking at so many of those ads, hard to remember this one being unique with all the accessories but as I saw on another fb scam site it was a similar type stolen photo so makes it hard to gauge, good suspicions on that one.
This one on cbc I now find when my gut gets the "that's a great deal" feeling it kicks in my "why" feeling and the if there is anything hanky with the seller 's credentials or responses I am out.
Welcome from south of Calgary! Don't retire till you "nearly"can't take anymore. As to tools/machines, I have seen many things from guns to what ever made with only a few hand tools to very expensive equipment. Sometimes a machine is no better then a rock in the hands of some, sometimes patients, care and a rock are capable of incredible work!
I think the important thing is keeping the mind working, and the hands doing something.