• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

New Member from Quebec


New Member
HI everybody, I am very happy to have found a Canadian website like this. I own a Standard Modern 11x20 Utilathe, this is my second lathe the first one is A Myford ML7 long bed, I learned what I know on that Myford before getting my SM I still own that Myford, I hope to be able to contribute in whatever way I can on this forum and share with this great activity.


Ultra Member
Premium Member
Welcome from Ontario Farm Country.

Sounds like you will love it here!
Welcome from Lillooet BC.

I own a Standard Modern 11x20 Utilathe, this is my second lathe the first one is A Myford ML7 long bed, I learned what I know on that Myford before getting my SM I still own that Myford

This is what we call machine creep...... It's mostly harmless, but highly infectious....... Pictures, we need pictures, machines, projects, heck even pets are a welcome sight.......


Ultra Member
Premium Member
I’m very sure you will enjoy your time spent on this Forum. I got a lot of helpful advice when getting a mill a couple years ago and again when i was contemplating a lathe. I got a Super7 a month ago. There are many Myford and SM owners here.
Where in Quebec?