Nice try.I never found one and I think it's because the diameters don't work together.
Large end of an MT3 taper is 23.825mm whereas the shank of an R8 is 24.105mm so basically an R8 collet is physically larger than an MT3 taper.
But if you're looking to get rid of a set of R8 collets you can put them beside my calipers![]()
I've been looking to see if I can find a morse taper to R8 adapter? I have a set of R8 collets I would like to use in my lathe also.
Haven't been able to find any such thing. Does it exist, or will it have to be shop made?
This.I never seen an MT taking in R8 collet. Remember that R8 needs a draw bar. Also I think without stick out you would need MT4 or bigger.
R8 are long collets, for tool holding - why don't you get simply MT to ER32 or MT to ER40 + collet set?
Or 5C collets + a collet chuck.
Why couldn't a person make an MT5 taper that's open at the outboard end and use the drawbar for the R8 collet to snug the whole thing up?
The MT5-MT3 taper adapter for my lathe (basically the same as Tom's) is open at the outboard end.
Oh I know... just spitballing... R8 collets are for tool holding not workholding.I think that's doable. Just prolly not available. And also prolly not the best way to go.
Yeah, I'm. thinking there's northing like I am looking for. Thankfully, since the spindle is MT5, and there is room clear though to the back, when I get a chance I'll see that I can come up with. When I work with smaller stuff, it generally isn't that long. (I'll let. you know how it works in. a couple of years)Because you have such a large size (MT5) you can probably make something that works on your exact machine, but MT to R8 generally doesn't work. MT have long shallow tapers that may or may not have draw bars. R8 has a short and steep taper and must use a draw bar.
When R8 is on the outside, it just uses a normal draw bar and the MT friction fits inside.
If MT is on the outside, there is no way to get a draw bar into the R8. If the MT has its own draw bar, there is no space. And if the MT is friction only, then the 'stub' where the wedge hits it is in the way.
You can probably make a custom part, but I doubt you will find anything off the shelf.