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More useless information !

I saw Emerald lake years ago it’s beautiful
I agree , and this year it was deserted for the reasons above . A lot of people were swimming in the lake this year as it was pretty darn hot out . Water was green as could be as usual .
Federal govt at work...they need to put up a sign so we can tell.
The Banff Hot Springs went dry in 1932 and again in 1970. They were pumping water into it and mixing chemicals to fool the customers and got caught. There was a lawsuit against the Feds. They finally admitted it and now they state:

Yes its true. It happened in 1923. Banff Upper Hot Springs dried up. Then again in 1970. Now if you go to the Upper Hot Springs in Banff this winter there will be water in the pool. Plenty of it. The only problem is, the water will be from the Town of Banff and not mineral water from the hot springs.
My Canada trip has ended for this go round . Heading for Regina today and then back down thru the states somewhere . It was great meeting up with Dabbler again along with the others we visited . Hope to be up in October with my other son . We may be driving out to Colorado and up into Calgary once again . :)
If you ar going to the Sask border, I can recommend the route through Estevan, North Portal and Kenmare. The roads have been good the times I've been one it, and the crossing isn't crowded.
In Regina for the night Dab . Got your message while on the road . Got all the lights and mirrors hung before we pulled out . Might go down thru Michigan for the first time .
If you ar going to the Sask border, I can recommend the route through Estevan,
Went in thru Estevan . Border went quick , the GD single lane road was murder . 2 hrs total of sitting going no-where . Ended up in Fergus Falls MN for the night . Tomorow we'll shoot for Elkhart Indiana , 710 miles . Then into Md . Should be home Sat evening for my program ! :)