Hello from the states. Sorry to crash the Canada party but this forum is awesome and I frequently lurk and read. I'm in Alabama and was recently in Keith's shop to do some horse trading on Kearney&Trecker 2D parts (I had a Hilger&Watts box level he wanted and he had some spare collets and attachments I wanted). He's still working on the 10EE and it's a really nice machine - very little in the way of wear or issues other than electrical. Another buddy of his is an electrical/software engineer and is helping Keith (who is very capable himself on electronic issues but not to the level required for this) to design essentially the ultimate solution for the square dial version of the lathe which will maintain the superior benefits of the original drives but with modern control. Last I talked to him he had had some parts issues.
I told him I was disappointed he ever got rid of that Rivett 1020s but apparently it was a nightmare on the electrics. I'm in the process of restoring a 1956 Hendey Tool&Gage lathe - if any of you are members of PM I have a thread there on it.
Curious what the ‘nightmare in electrics’ a Rivett 1020 would have? On first glance seems to be remarkably simpler than a 10EE or later generation Hendey Tool n Gage lathes. In fact I turned down a good mechanical condition late model Hendey T&G lathe just five miles away from me due to its electric system.