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Modified steady rest - lumby BC

If @quitereal doesn’t grab it I’d like to give it a new home. I think it’d look right at home on my Standard Modern. No need for the extra steel either. ;)

Crazy, that looks like a PA price tag on it!

D :cool:
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Ye it is a PA tag lol and he hasn't pmed about wanting it so your basiclly first inline.

Also corner has been milled off but should be ok still but may need some rework but easy enough to braze material on or even just drill and tap chunk back on

Super! I’ll catch up with you on PMs tomorrow WRT details about getting it here.

I would imagine any mods would be less involved than making one from scratch which was what I was contemplating.

Thanks for offering it up to the group, can’t say enough about the good people here!

D :cool:
If @quitereal doesn’t grab it I’d like to give it a new home. I think it’d look right at home on my Standard Modern. No need for the extra steel either. ;)

Crazy, that looks like a PA price tag on it!

D :cool:
Go for it, i was just curious, sometimes i wish the manufacturer would stamp the thing so a guy would know what it came off. Ive got two that were modified to fit mine.
Go for it, i was just curious, sometimes i wish the manufacturer would stamp the thing so a guy would know what it came off. Ive got two that were modified to fit mine.

Funny about the modded steadies, I wonder if that’s what happened to the original ones for my lathe……

D :cool:
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so there WAS a time when PA sold more than the offerings of today??
dang....that steady must be from the 70's - 80's?
Is it already taken? I just started building exactly the same thing - well maybe not exactly mine will be like 3x heavier.
The challenge will be getting a courier to pickup in Lumby...for those not in the know of "small town BC" Lumby is a village, roughly 20 mins from Vernon, and about 45 from Kelowna.
There is one, blinking, 4 way red eye, at the main intersection of town...so the bigger couriers don't make special trips out there, and when they do...its probably unholy expensive...

If this turns into a shit show...I may be able to help...

I have coworkers who live off of Maple Street in Lumby (Down by Pat Duke Memorial)
All Justin has to do is drop it off at their place.

At our work, we ship and receive parts daily.
I can get it to where it needs to go, AFTER I get a few rate quotes and Tecnico picks one that works for him.
The challenge will be getting a courier to pickup in Lumby...for those not in the know of "small town BC" Lumby is a village, roughly 20 mins from Vernon, and about 45 from Kelowna.
There is one, blinking, 4 way red eye, at the main intersection of town...so the bigger couriers don't make special trips out there, and when they do...its probably unholy expensive...

If this turns into a shit show...I may be able to help...

I have coworkers who live off of Maple Street in Lumby (Down by Pat Duke Memorial)
All Justin has to do is drop it off at their place.

At our work, we ship and receive parts daily.
I can get it to where it needs to go, AFTER I get a few rate quotes and Tecnico picks one that works for him.

Thanks for the interest & offer for help! Quaint description of Lumby, sounds like a great place to have home base!

I’m not in a panic to ship so I’m fine with CP presuming they don’t fold but as I discussed with @justin1 if something comparable/not too outrageous popped up in the meantime then that’s fine too. I’m just so pleased to have a steady I can adapt to my lathe fall in my lap that I can have patience getting it here. BTW, here is essentially Halifax.


D :cool:
Is it already taken? I just started building exactly the same thing - well maybe not exactly mine will be like 3x heavier.

Do show us what you’re building. Even presuming the one @justin1 has works out fine for me, what you’re building may inspire some thoughts for a traveling steady too.

D :cool:
BTW, here is essentially Halifax.

D :cool:

I've been there! once, many many moons ago...I was but a young lad in elemental school...The parents decided to fly the family to NS to visit one of my Mom's sisters and her family there. We did a lot of sight seeing. Beautiful area, rugged, primordial almost.
Key things I still relate to ppl from my adventure over 35 yrs ago...
- the church in downtown Halifax, the one where ALL the windows were blown out in the 1917 explosion...I saw the preachers image burnt into the glass...eerie...kinda awe inspiring...but eerie
- The graveyard downtown, with the street light in the corner BEHIND the fence...that was just weird as hell to see
Is it still there though?
- Peggy's Cove...the ocean pounding the cliff face, the light house, and of course, the wall carving work.
- Last but not least...That humongous roundabout (can't recall where exactly) perhaps by the airport? As my Uncle was merging into it pulling gears...he was quite calm as he roared through and smiled at my mom..." did you know, right now, we have no insurance in this intersection roundie? too many claims, so insurance is null and void while we're in it". <read that in a french oh oh oh tabernac accent>
He proceeded to continue agitating my mom, by doing high speed merge hot laps and pointing out other buildings etc of notable interest...I was laughing my butt off...Dad was quiet...Mom was getting angry...and my younger sister started to get teary eyed...she was convinced we were gonna get nailed...Uncle Roch was a typical french canadian with a higher than life opinion of himself, coupled with the attitude and belief that he was a great driver...no...he was just fortunate other drivers would avoid him is all
You did definitely see some of the highlights and good for you that you still remember these fun details.

I’m guessing you experienced the infamous Micmac Rotary in Dartmouth, it was a major job to replace it but it made a huge difference in the traffic, none of us miss it, LOL! Great place to practise your white knuckle ride! Lots of colourful language used too!

The traffic light in the Old Burying Grounds seems to be gone but the graveyard is still there - very old, back to the founding times of the city.

Above all it’s home. Born & raised here, left and came back too. Other places are different not better or worse. I’m looking forward to a cross country drive to experience more of our country when my other half retires soon.

D :cool:
The challenge will be getting a courier to pickup in Lumby..
I would definitely would have to go into Vernon to get anything shipped. I can work on getting a weight and dimensions and go from there. I've been distracted by shop so I haven't done anything with getting a quote to have it shipped via UPS or FedEx. Was fighting ceiling vapor barrier what a pain in the butt lol.
Thanks for the interest & offer for help! Quaint description of Lumby, sounds like a great place to have home base!
It's ok not really known for anything besides pot and paragliding lol. Good place to visit, ok place to live kinda get price gouged by local shopping stores so it's cheaper to drive into Vernon for most things if you need more then one.

I'll do some digging today. But being near Christmas and demand probly threw the roof for shipping stuff, I imagine most shipping companies are like our limited options for flying when demand goes up they jack the prices up.