OK, I had to go look at this thing when I was in the Big City today. I have always had a soft spot for a mill that could be used both as a horizontal and a vertical.
I was not able to tell from the original picture, but it is a full size machine. The guy says it weighs 3 tons, and I believe that. I did not look at it in great detail, since I could immediately see that it was too big for my shop. But, for anyone who might care…
Yes, it does have the universal table.
It is in a walk out basement, but there is about a 10 inch drop from the floor level it is on to the level of the doorway. Which I think was a dirt floor.
It must have been brought in before the garage door was boarded up and partly replaced with a single door and a flimsy, removable wall.
Included with it, there are three motors, none of which are connected, a box with maybe 20 or 30 pounds of what look like old end mills with 1 inch straight shanks (I didn’t look closely at this), a bunch of ER looking type collets in a box, most of which seem to be unused, shiny and new.
Oh, and there is also what looks like another CAT40 (?) collet mount which I presume fit the horizontal arbor, as well as whatever is attached to the vertical one.
Or maybe CAT40 would have been what was on the driven end of the horizontal arbor? This seems likely.
It is missing a horizontal arbor, but there is the outboard support (photo). That this was likely missing was what put me off initially. You could make a replacement arbor easily enough, the support would be trickier.
Yes, there does not seem to be a quill feed – vertical attachment connects directly to the horizontal drive and any vertical movement would be done by the knee.
Removing the vertical attachment would be needed to confirm exactly what the requirements are for a horizontal arbor. There is a drawbar poking out of the back on the machine.
Apparently the older gentleman brought it home years back because it would otherwise have been scrapped (my guess) but never put a motor back on or used it. The house it’s in looks like it will probably be demolished (or collapse) before too many more years go by, and I’m sure given the awkwardness of moving it out that a low offer would be accepted.
It’s not for me – it would take up half my shop space.