Sapientia et Doctrina Stabilitas
IF you live in BC interior there is an auction with a few potential deals going off tomorrow, but you need to be mindful of the 20% buyers premiums and taxes.
Why it may be a deal, this is a glass jar and bottle printing facility auction, may be under the radar for many people. If you covet all things Mitutoyo this may be for you.
If you're not picky the same auction has a no name plate 2 ft by 2ft by 3, They call it a grade plate for some reason.
Why it may be a deal, this is a glass jar and bottle printing facility auction, may be under the radar for many people. If you covet all things Mitutoyo this may be for you.
If you're not picky the same auction has a no name plate 2 ft by 2ft by 3, They call it a grade plate for some reason.

Mitutoyo 2 ft by 3 ft by 4" grade plate with base grade B
Lot 382 at Universal Labelling Inc from Maynards Industries Canada Ltd.