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Milling machine Banff $1400

Banff, with a population of 8000 of which probably 90% cater to the tourist industry, you have to wonder how many machine shops would actually exist in such a town?

It might be legit, but the odds are not great.

Stunningly beautiful to visit. I climbed Rundle when I was 10, my brother took a nasty tumble and came very close to taking the fast way down:eek:
I bought my (now sold) Standard-Modern 9" Lathe from a fella who was the head of maintenance at the Rimrock Resort in Banff. The lathe had resided in the maintenance area at the rimrock for a number of years mainly because it was a 3phase motor and their maint shop had 3 phase power so the maintenance head moved the lathe (which was owned by him and not the rimrock) there... I got a good deal on it too.
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By any chance was the Rimrock maintenance guy making a 1.5” scale CPR Selkirk? If not, there’s another machine shop in Banff town- owned by a hotel staff person- I just don’t know which hotel.
You guy's would be surprised what is in Banff and surrounding area for machinery , the area once had very active mining , logging industries , not to mention the still active railroad , power generation facilities , light manufacturing & maintenance , ski resorts , transportation industries . I have a friend in Canmore ( where there is a bit of light industrial activity ) who has a very impressive home machine shop . He picked up a mint Bridgeport mill that was a former TransAlta machine , was bought new by TransAlta utilities to be used in maintenance it had barely been used and mostly sat around for it's entire time spent at the facility . A real nice Standard Modern lathe lives at my Friends place too .
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By any chance was the Rimrock maintenance guy making a 1.5” scale CPR Selkirk? If not, there’s another machine shop in Banff town- owned by a hotel staff person- I just don’t know which hotel.
Nope. he said he mostly used the lathe for machining parts for restoring motorcycles.