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Shop Microwave metal casting - some of the best videos I've seen



Ultra Member
Just full of admiration for this guy. Not the artistic ballet like performance of a Clickspring video, but this guy has earned my respect: amazing content (did NOT know it could be done), great and complete instruction, no extraneous BS and blabber, well spoken (and he's ESL) and does amazing things with limited resources - e.g. casting iron on his apartment balcony.

Even Sasquatch might like it lol. I also find most videos tedious, a kernel of content and 100 of blabber, ..... but this guy is awesome!

Watch with the Brave browser to avoid all the you tube propaganda
Just full of admiration for this guy. Not the artistic ballet like performance of a Clickspring video, but this guy has earned my respect: amazing content (did NOT know it could be done), great and complete instruction, no extraneous BS and blabber, well spoken (and he's ESL) and does amazing things with limited resources - e.g. casting iron on his apartment balcony.

Even Sasquatch might like it lol. I also find most videos tedious, a kernel of content and 100 of blabber, ..... but this guy is awesome!

Watch with the Brave browser to avoid all the you tube propaganda
Yeah I was surprised when I saw this video too. I'd seen glass melting in moulds in microwave but this blew my mind when I saw it.

Nah, susquatch hates everything