Silly question perhaps.
If I wanted to build one of these:
They mention using induction hardened 1144 steel and a 2" diameter 1' piece at McMaster Carr goes for $54 while 3' for $125.
For the occasional grinding of grains to make a mash for beer brewing is a hardened steel even needed? I can see a commercial operation or once a week usage but once per month maybe?
The trouble with having a lathe and a mill is like that saying "when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail".
Well when you have a machine shop one shouldn't buy but build...
If I wanted to build one of these:

2 Roller Pro Brewer Grain Mill (Heat Treated 1144 Steel - (Lasts 10X Longer))
6" long, 2" diameter, 2-Roller knob adjustable gap drill drive professional grain mill

For the occasional grinding of grains to make a mash for beer brewing is a hardened steel even needed? I can see a commercial operation or once a week usage but once per month maybe?
The trouble with having a lathe and a mill is like that saying "when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail".
Well when you have a machine shop one shouldn't buy but build...