Chinese manufacturers (some) are very able to make very high quality products, and some do. Things are made to what the reseller wants quality wise and material wise, what has been ordered and is willing to “pay”. It is really no different anywhere else, what has to be done, what does it get made from, how often does the product get checked when being made and after it got made, how well it works.
If you want a 1/2 inch bolt, 3 inch long, with 10 threads per inch, made from old beer cans, quality check on the first one, next check at 500,000, last check at the 1 million mark, so be it. That will xx cost, anything more then that will cost more xx’s.
I think PM has a reputation for the product they sell, it may still be coming from one of the “usual” factories, but material, size of components, quality of components, finish of components, and important quality inspection is likely done more often, and all costs more, which means if you buy from them you pay more because it cost PM more to get those units.
We hear about “ I brought xyz from mnop, it worked great after I took it all a part, removed burrs, high spots, cleaned it, took the grit out of the oil baths, put real oil in, real grease where needed, changed a few bearings, put a another motor on with a vfd. On and on. Yes, got a “good” one. Not really, just put how many hours in doing “quality control”,“quality work” and” some quality parts” and some quality MONEY . NOW, it’s a good/better one!
If you are willing to buy cheaper, there maybe fewer buttons, the sleeves maybe a bit shorter, the collar a bit tighter, the material nearly see through, that’s what you will get.
The market will make what is demanded, or will pay, and put up with. If no one will buy it, it will not be on/in the market long, but generly there are enough someone’s to buy amongst 8 billion people, somewhere.
Am I a PM user? No. Do I buy only high end products, pay big prices, not unless that’s the only thing to be had. Does everything come from/ is made in China? No, but seems nearly. A rant, maybe, but not really. We get what is made, decided by company’s that want to make more money, the “cheapest” way possible. While we want the cheapest price and are willing to make do with “some” short comings.
The old saw “ money talks”.
This is only my take on things!!
There were a few posts while I was doing this, along the same lines.