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Kidney stones!

And a test tube to carry them in although they never tell you what they are made of.
I was happy the other day about 2 weeks ago I told my doc and son I thought I had another confirmed by ultrasound well the other day it rattled its way down the pipe and out.
I've read that passing kidney stones is the closest in pain to threshold a man can get. I've never experienced either.
Women who have had both kids and kidney stones will attest that kidney stones hurt more. I can also tell you that Morphine is wonderful and the expression 'buzzed' comes from the buzzing in the ear when the morphine takes effect. Oh and it only dulls the pain from the kidney stone. Doesn't eliminate it.
And then there is the camera they shove up your pecker which isn’t bad but the film crew! lol. I’ve had my share of them for relief I found lying in a hot bath works for me ,The last time the Doc went in from the back to get at them.
I've read that passing kidney stones is the closest in pain to threshold a man can get. I've never experienced either.

I can tell you from personal experience that it really can get worse. I've passed many stones in my time. They are excruciatingly painful - especially the jaggy ones.

One of the jaggy ones I often grew got caught in the pelvis of my kidney, and then started growing till it was the size of your thumb with branches reaching into the collection tubelets of the kidney. It's called a staghorn stone for very good reason. When it started to block the flow, my kidney swelled up to 3x normal size. (hydronephrosis). Mine couldn't be blasted and needed surgical removal. They normally puncture your lower back and then turn up into the bottom of your kidney. Apparently my kidney was too tough to penetrate so they had to try a week later going through my ribs. To keep things flowing till the bleeding stops, they put a drain hose in through the surgical path. Then I started throwing embolisms. They took an x-ray in my hospital bed but had to crank my back up to do that which pulled on the tube that was sewn into my kidney. If passing a jaggy stone is a 10, then pulling on that hose was a 15. I screamed like a baby they could hear through the entire hospital and two nurses quite literally passed out.

I had skipped the morphine up till then, but didn't hesitate after that.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
I wasn’t going to mention about that fishing line going down the member connected to the stints, Doc says in 2 weeks pull it out! My god lightheaded, sweating, making faces Mr Bean would be proud of.
I wasn’t going to mention about that fishing line going down the member connected to the stints, Doc says in 2 weeks pull it out! My god lightheaded, sweating, making faces Mr Bean would be proud of.
I swear to god, I don't know whether to laugh or cry...... None of the above emoji 's quite describe the feeling.....
The novelty wears off after a while. I get lots of small stones, mostly just grin and bear it. Although I do know going into an emergency department, grimacing, and saying through your teeth “I’m passing a kidney stone” is a really simple way to get a shot of morphine.

Ever installed a Ford 460 timing chain while passing a kidney stone? I have, couldn’t get to the hospital until I finished fixing the truck. That was fun…
My gosh it sounds awful, I wish I hadn't read any of this. I'd get over the trauma eventually I'm sure but when I have my own stones the now knowing what may happen will no doubt put me over the edge. I have an embarrassingly low pain threshold.
I tell guys who wonder how bad it can be, let me kick you in the stones and that does not hurt compared to kidney stones. I passed two and had the lithotripsy on the third. Drink more fluids like water as most are caused by dehydration.
Gawd, what a wunnerful thing to look forward to...:eek:

Makes me wince just thinking about it.
Well I've got an older brother who's had problems with kidney stones and he SWEARS by drinking beer he reduces his problems. Probably not doctor approved advice.

I've suggested that water is likely a better choice but those were almost "fighting words"to him.
My gosh it sounds awful, I wish I hadn't read any of this. I'd get over the trauma eventually I'm sure but when I have my own stones the now knowing what may happen will no doubt put me over the edge. I have an embarrassingly low pain threshold.

After my last set of problems, my urologist told me that the easiest way to avoid the majority of stones is to drink lots of water as @pdentrem says. I was told to aim for 8 litres a day. Try as I might, I can't do it. But the key is to try cuz more is better than less. I have not had a stone in 15 years and get an ultrasound every six months.

I was told that beer is just as good as water "for some stone chemistries", but not all. In fact it can cause stones for some chemistries. Whereas water is good for all.
I wouldn’t wish a kidney stone on my worst enemy! The good thing, once they pass. It’s instant relief.
Take care.
Probably not doctor approved advice.
Yeah, well, I take much of what doctors say w/ a large grain of salt.

Probably about 10 years ago or so I ended up w/ gout in my right foot. Went to my GP (who is LDS) and he prescribes a med & tells me I need to stop drinking beer. Uh-huh...

Pain went away, a month later it rears it's head, went to another doctor ('cause mine was on holidays), prescribes a different med & I ask him about the alleged correlation between gout & beer. He notes that correlation isn't causation, which pretty much echoed what I'd been able to find online.

Pain went away, hasn't been back since, and I sure as hell ain't stopped drinking beer.

A past GF had a kidney stone during the labour of her second girl, she said labour was easy compared to passing the stone. I've had one kidney stone event and I would prefer to not have another, I will say Toradol is your best friend vs Morphine. I had a co-worker pass a 16mm one about seven years ago and I believe it took about three weeks, I asked why he wasn't getting them blasted and he said he would rather have one big one than three smaller ones!