Due to my age and ongoing health issues it has come time for me to let my KERRY Lathe find a new home. Same idea as my Naked Lady.
According to the Serial Number 10.5.2698 it was manufactured in England October 1965 and purchased in Regina 1966/67. Comes with a package of accessories many new some original. Hopefully my string of photos will put all this into perspective. Yes the lathe is resting on a 54"x18" 2"x 6" mobile dolly c/w swivel castors with breaks, it's included in the package.
All-Up Weight (best guesstimate) an easy 1,000 pounds likely more with c/w accessories.
On viewing my thumbnail photos:
#1. lathe c/w mobile dolly and 3 jaw 7.5 inch diameter BURNERD chuck made in England
#2. new ACCUSIZE brand QCTP set
#3. storage locker with 2 keys
#4. gear cabinet cover, off/on power switch with main lock out switch at the rear
#5. gear cabinet cover removed, yes that's a new drive belt
#6. 1.5 HP US made motor wired for 220 Volts single phase
#7. another pic of the mobile dolly
#8. leveling bolts after lathe placed in position
#9, #10, #11. "L" style spindle nose chuck attachment, c/w protector board for HARDENED BEDWAYS, plus wrench
#12. #13. KERRY factory taper attachment
#14. follow rest sitting in position (home made)
#15. T nuts and bolts for the cross slide
#16. steady rest (home made)
#17. #18. #19. 4 jaw chuck 8 inch diameter VIETOR OKOBAYASHI made in Japan c/w 2 keys
#20. #21. new BXA QCTP set from ACCUSIZE with extra tool holders, boring bar holder, parting holder blade included, Knurling tool,
boring, turning & facing tool holders each 2, extra inserts and screws
#22. adaptor for turning between centers, home made turret tool holder, jaws for the 3 jaw chuck, and 2 metric gears to change from
#23. new 1/32"-5/8" keyless chuck c/w arbor from ACCUSIZE, new 5/8" keyed chuck (old arbor), spindle sleeve, hard nose center, 2
standard centers, 3/4" & 1" dog legs, 2-3 Morse taper shank drill attachment, left the live center in it's box, sorry about that
#24. here we go live center out of the box, phew!
KERRY Lathe Service manual from England.

Interested members simply PM me, enjoy!

One Man's Junk is another man's Treasure
Jeez i went to emotors to look around, can't afford those prices, over a grand for a 2hp 3ph. Maybe im looking in the wrong spot. I bought a used 2hp 3ph off Kijiji, the wiring looks real sketchy, might have to drag it in and have a better look at it. Shouldn’t be that expensive. Did you sort...

According to the Serial Number 10.5.2698 it was manufactured in England October 1965 and purchased in Regina 1966/67. Comes with a package of accessories many new some original. Hopefully my string of photos will put all this into perspective. Yes the lathe is resting on a 54"x18" 2"x 6" mobile dolly c/w swivel castors with breaks, it's included in the package.
All-Up Weight (best guesstimate) an easy 1,000 pounds likely more with c/w accessories.
On viewing my thumbnail photos:
#1. lathe c/w mobile dolly and 3 jaw 7.5 inch diameter BURNERD chuck made in England
#2. new ACCUSIZE brand QCTP set
#3. storage locker with 2 keys
#4. gear cabinet cover, off/on power switch with main lock out switch at the rear
#5. gear cabinet cover removed, yes that's a new drive belt
#6. 1.5 HP US made motor wired for 220 Volts single phase
#7. another pic of the mobile dolly
#8. leveling bolts after lathe placed in position
#9, #10, #11. "L" style spindle nose chuck attachment, c/w protector board for HARDENED BEDWAYS, plus wrench
#12. #13. KERRY factory taper attachment
#14. follow rest sitting in position (home made)
#15. T nuts and bolts for the cross slide
#16. steady rest (home made)
#17. #18. #19. 4 jaw chuck 8 inch diameter VIETOR OKOBAYASHI made in Japan c/w 2 keys
#20. #21. new BXA QCTP set from ACCUSIZE with extra tool holders, boring bar holder, parting holder blade included, Knurling tool,
boring, turning & facing tool holders each 2, extra inserts and screws
#22. adaptor for turning between centers, home made turret tool holder, jaws for the 3 jaw chuck, and 2 metric gears to change from
#23. new 1/32"-5/8" keyless chuck c/w arbor from ACCUSIZE, new 5/8" keyed chuck (old arbor), spindle sleeve, hard nose center, 2
standard centers, 3/4" & 1" dog legs, 2-3 Morse taper shank drill attachment, left the live center in it's box, sorry about that
#24. here we go live center out of the box, phew!
KERRY Lathe Service manual from England.

Interested members simply PM me, enjoy!
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