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Supplies KBC shipping

I agree with @YotaBota
I've purchased a fair amount of tooling from KBC in the past but stopped when the shipping changed.
If there were more shipping options when checking out I'd be more likely to come back. But when a small item is $20 to ship it's pretty unattractive.
I'd also love to see an option to use our own carriers if that's a possibility.

Yup, this is my problem...when the shipping cost is 50%+ of the item being ordered, it's a non-starter if I have alternate places to source it from (even if it's a lower quality item). Hobby machinists aren't frequently placing $1000+ orders, it's get that one insert or bit or whatever to do the little project we're currently working on. A $100 threshold wasn't too bad, but $449 is more than that one or two items line.

A ~$10 flat rate on small items that fit into some sort of bubble envelope would entice me back more often.
Yup, this is my problem...when the shipping cost is 50%+ of the item being ordered, it's a non-starter if I have alternate places to source it from (even if it's a lower quality item). Hobby machinists aren't frequently placing $1000+ orders, it's get that one insert or bit or whatever to do the little project we're currently working on. A $100 threshold wasn't too bad, but $449 is more than that one or two items line.

A ~$10 flat rate on small items that fit into some sort of bubble envelope would entice me back more often.
Accusize gets my business via Amazon because the product prices are the same and I get free shipping and zero hassle returns.
But if KBC did $10 or $20 shipping of flat rate Canada Post boxes then I'd happily shop at KBC.
Accusize gets my business via Amazon because the product prices are the same and I get free shipping and zero hassle returns.
But if KBC did $10 or $20 shipping of flat rate Canada Post boxes then I'd happily shop at KBC.

Here is the thing, Canada Post has flat rate boxes in about 3 sizes IIRC. This shipping method is available to anyone in Canada. I use it all the time to ship items. Most items I'm buying would fit in the smallest box that is about $20. I could have $500 of tooling fit within that box easily.

A good deal in my opinion, but small business owners get an even better shipping deal, and their discounts grow the more items they ship via canada post. Accounts are adjusted quarterly so as a businesses shipping grows their savings grow.

In the end, businesses choose if they want to do business with us, and we respond in kind based on our perceptions of how much they value our business.

I hate Toronto traffic more and more, and therefore I shop in person less and less. I'll consider KBC again when I know I'm going to be in the west end of Toronto for a day. Or if I urgently need something and they agree to flat rate ship via canada post. otherwise I'm going to look elsewhere.

Then again I also consider if supplier carries everything I need. IIRC KBC does not carry D1-3 mount spindle cams, so I already have to order those elsewhere therefore I'll likely just purchase everything I need over the next several months from MSC and combine it into a single shipment for simplicity sake.
To me KBC, KMS and the like are akin to the box stores, if the item doesn't move in a high enough volume and fast enough they don't carry it because it sits on a shelf for ????? and doesn't make them money. Don't forget they're in business to make money, giving us deals and discounts without the sales volume to cover discount doesn't work very well so they have to balance cost with volume to stay alive.

Look at the chucks HHR has been hanging onto for 40+ years, it's a good thing they have storage and another main business to keep them going or they'd have been gone a long time ago.
To me KBC, KMS and the like are akin to the box stores, if the item doesn't move in a high enough volume and fast enough they don't carry it because it sits on a shelf for ????? and doesn't make them money. Don't forget they're in business to make money, giving us deals and discounts without the sales volume to cover discount doesn't work very well so they have to balance cost with volume to stay alive.

Look at the chucks HHR has been hanging onto for 40+ years, it's a good thing they have storage and another main business to keep them going or they'd have been gone a long time ago.
and this is why I'm SOOL in regards to spindle cams.

I guess more people should be animals who beat on lathes so we need more parts to assure supply exists...

I dont fault distributors like KBC for not carrying spindle cams. I do fault machine importers who stop carry replacement parts for their machines tho

Hi Paula. Like others, I often think of buying from KBTools and generally like your product lineup. Much as I really like to shop at KBC, the shipping cost often stops me cold. It can be quite challenging for small shops to fill a shopping cart to reach the free shipping threshold. I can't count the number of times mine has stalled at 200, and I ended up buying elsewhere.

Please consider:

1. A discount for Canadian Hobby Metal Worker members. (Insert a big happy smile here.) There are well over a thousand of us spread all across Canada.

2. A lower cost ground shipping option for small packages that is in line with competitive shipping rates from other tooling suppliers.

3. On first blush, it doesnt make sense to me to have free shipping start at some arbitrary high purchase value. A tiered shipping cost at say 25% of your cost for $300 to 450, 50% of cost for 225 to 300, etc. might make sense to KBC and would make more sense to our members. Most of us can save up an order to hit 200, but 450 is hard to do for a hobbiest. Even when we do, the weight kills us.

Cheers Paula!

Hi Paula. Like others, I often think of buying from KBTools and generally like your product lineup. Much as I really like to shop at KBC, the shipping cost often stops me cold. It can be quite challenging for small shops to fill a shopping cart to reach the free shipping threshold. I can't count the number of times mine has stalled at 200, and I ended up buying elsewhere.

Please consider:

1. A discount for Canadian Hobby Metal Worker members. (Insert a big happy smile here.) There are well over a thousand of us spread all across Canada.

2. A lower cost ground shipping option for small packages that is in line with competitive shipping rates from other tooling suppliers.

3. On first blush, it doesnt make sense to me to have free shipping start at some arbitrary high purchase value. A tiered shipping cost at say 25% of your cost for $300 to 450, 50% of cost for 225 to 300, etc. might make sense to KBC and would make more sense to our members. Most of us can save up an order to hit 200, but 450 is hard to do for a hobbiest. Even when we do, the weight kills us.

Cheers Paula!
well I didn't want to be the one to broach this subject but +1 on the matter of a group discount @KBCTOOLS

It would make sense since our members would represent more business than many of your small commercial accounts. You could revisit this quarterly, and perhaps have special members sales?

If I was bolder I'd mention that next weekend we are having members meet ups across Canada, and that it would be really cool if we had a draw for those who attend where one of the members across canada could get say a $100 gift certificate to KBC... but I'm not bold.
First off Paula thanks for taking the time to respond. Says something for KBC tools. I have bought from you many times and probably will continue to do so. Like everyone I do shop around and see what suits me the best. I would be ok with Canada post flat rate boxes. If it takes a little longer for things to arrive to keep costs down so be it. I was always happy with the speed of delivery I got from KBC even though I live off the beaten path. I think cheap option is a good thing to offer. A more expensive fast option is often acceptable when I need things fast
Buy a surface plate from KBC if you want to see insane shipping charges. Paid more for shipping than for the plate
First off Paula thanks for taking the time to respond. Says something for KBC tools. I have bought from you many times and probably will continue to do so. Like everyone I do shop around and see what suits me the best. I would be ok with Canada post flat rate boxes. If it takes a little longer for things to arrive to keep costs down so be it. I was always happy with the speed of delivery I got from KBC even though I live off the beaten path. I think cheap option is a good thing to offer. A more expensive fast option is often acceptable when I need things fast

I agree, everything I've ordered from KBC has come overnight...this is awesome, but I'd trade lower shipping costs for waiting a few days.
More KBC outlets would help for some of us. If there was a KBC outlet in my home town of Hamilton I'm sure I would shop there a lot more just as I tend to shop a lot at Princess Auto simply because I have one nearby. As it is now I only buy at KBC on the odd occasion I happen to be in Mississauga on other business.
Accusize gets my business via Amazon because the product prices are the same and I get free shipping and zero hassle returns.
But if KBC did $10 or $20 shipping of flat rate Canada Post boxes then I'd happily shop at KBC.

More KBC outlets would help for some of us.

I support both comments above.

I hear good things about KBC, it would be positive if there was a KBC in my locality (near Halifax), Mississauga is a two day road trip so it doesn't happen often.....

To elaborate on flat rate box shipping, I educated one CDN based machine tool supply vendor about the flat rate boxes and they have agreed to add that option. All they knew about was couriers. It's a significant saving.

Just to underline, the flat rate boxes come in 3 sizes and .5 or 1 kg weight capacity with the lowest price being something like $18.

Another example. I had a conversation with someone at ITM regarding two tiny pieces they had available, total cost under $15. They would only offer courier at a cost of $35. I even asked if they would tape them to a piece of box board (that's cereal box cardboard) and put them in an ordinary business envelope and mail them (which is what I did when I sent some M6 setscrews to @PaulL all the way across the country in BC) and their system would not allow that (huh?).

It is this kind of inflexibility which stymies doing business with many vendors which carry the quality tools we shop for.

In the end I was able to source my needed parts at my favorite local supplier, Rideout Tool & Machine and they brought them in on the next stock shipment with NO shipping charge. Of course I should have started there but I didn't think to ask if they carried that line of tools - next time!

While I'm at it, another supplier that is good to deal with for industrial parts is BDI supply, they bring in things like bearings and change gears with NO shipping charge.

D :cool:
To elaborate on flat rate box shipping, I educated one CDN based machine tool supply vendor about the flat rate boxes and they have agreed to add that option. All they knew about was couriers. It's a significant saving.

Just to underline, the flat rate boxes come in 3 sizes and .5 or 1 kg weight capacity with the lowest price being something like $18.

D :cool:
If we’re talking Canada Post flat rate boxes, the weight limit on the smallest size is 11 pounds or 5 kg. My experience is they use that as a suggestion. Offhand I don’t know the limit on the other two sizes
If we’re talking Canada Post flat rate boxes, the weight limit on the smallest size is 11 pounds or 5 kg. My experience is they use that as a suggestion. Offhand I don’t know the limit on the other two sizes

Oh those pesky decimal places.......:oops:

The weight limit is the same for all 3 sizes. Small $18.49, Med, 23.49, Large $29.99

D :cool: