• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

I just messaged someone who severely tested my "thou shall not covet belief"


Ultra Member
Okay, so I am sure everyone has one or two items that they'd consider bank robbery to fund the purchase of, IF they could actually find the item for sale or even as in this case existence.

I am going to see a fellow who owns a Stuart Swan marine steam engine. He will never sell it.

I looked for one of these in Canada for more than 25 years that I could find machined and running.

I luckily recently found a Chipmaster lathe. So about the only other item I could potentially afford, and actually use for it's intended purpose and fit in my tiny space would be a royle's ruling machine.

How about yourselves?

Oh and I was just kidding, so you can stand down rcmp the banks are safe. I am now too old and infirm to tackle such a task


Ultra Member
Is this the one?
Sorry I read 5A and initially replied no. but your link did indeed go to a swan with the same explanations I gave.

The Swan was based on two 5A engines mounted in a duplex arrangement with one common base plate and crank, and fitted with a reversing gear and the usual pumps etc.

You could potentially order 2 very expensive 5A kits and the accessory kits and fashion a working swan from them. But the crankset and base would be a job I expect.

Most people who wanted a swan gave up and purchased something else when Stuart discontinued the Swan.

I've got plans for a single engine to power a 20 foot launch that will be easier to fashion, if not cheaper. It all comes down to the ability to cast iron or not, I had a quote from Bowmanville foundry to cast the major parts from ten years ago or so. It was feasible at the time if I got multiple sets cast.


Ultra Member
He'll sell it. Have you a boat for it?

Me? I've got everything I need, almost.

Roughly 30 years ago I imagined a huge wish list of wants and must haves, and now I've pretty much got every item. Its the old adage, you want it low cost, high quality or fast...pick two. I chose quality and low cost and would grab stuff when the deal was good and it was on the list even if there was no current need. With a two car garage and three rooms in the basement jammed, there's not much on the list anymore and it wouldn't fit anyway!
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Ultra Member
He'll sell it. Have you a boat for it?

Me? I've got everything I need, almost.

Roughly 30 years ago I imagined a huge wish list of wants and must haves, and now I've pretty much got every item. Its the old adage, you want it low cost, high quality or fast...pick two. I chose quality and low cost and would grab stuff when the deal was good and it was on the list even if there was no current need. With a two car garage and three rooms in the basement jammed, there's not much on the list anymore and it wouldn't fit anyway!
I know he will sell it. I was just not publicizing that. In my initial exchange with David I thought he said it was not for sale ever.I dont have a boat for it yet but I have two different fantail launch plans that would be suitable. One in particular is well suited, just shy of 20 feet and I could make the hull a cedar strip affair. I have built many a hull over the years.


Ultra Member
A small surface grinder from Santa.
I happen to have a 30 hp steam Vtwin casting kit and drawings from Light Steam Power magazine, that I have procrastinated over for 40 years:eek: and with any luck I'll never touch it, but would trade it for a surface grinder.


Ultra Member
A small surface grinder from Santa.
I happen to have a 30 hp steam Vtwin casting kit and drawings from Light Steam Power magazine, that I have procrastinated over for 40 years:eek: and with any luck I'll never touch it, but would trade it for a surface grinder.
too bad I got rid of my small surface grinder