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Shop I finally found an apron to wear in the shop.



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In the cooler weather I usually wear a shop coat , but now that we have these long hot summers the shop coat is too warm. I have been looking around for an apron that does not have pockets. When I wear my shop coat the lower pockets start to fill up with swarf and I have to hang them upside down and use an air nozzle to get the stuff out. All the aprons I was finding had a lot of pockets also. Finally this week I was in Princess Auto and found an apron made by Hobart for welding. It is made from flame retardant cotton and has only one small pocket right up at the top. The cotton fabric is quite heavy so it should last a good long time and if I am doing a bit of welding I won't set myself on fire. I don't think the pocket at the top will collect much swarf.
When I wear my shop coat the lower pockets start to fill up with swarf and I have to hang them upside down and use an air nozzle to get the stuff out
I do the exact same thing. On a previous shop coat I sewed on pocket flaps on the top opening and that was successful, but I ain't no seamstress so it wasn't pretty. I should perfect the modification because swarf filled pockets is a perennial problem for me also.
I do the exact same thing. On a previous shop coat I sewed on pocket flaps on the top opening and that was successful, but I ain't no seamstress so it wasn't pretty. I should perfect the modification because swarf filled pockets is a perennial problem for me also.
Thanks - going to steel the flap idea (should be easy to persuade the bride to do it - she doesn’t appreciate the crap in the laundry)
I won't set myself on fire. I don't think the pocket at the top will collect much swarf.
I was welding a bale feeder up one day, my arm started to feel a tad warm. Damn coat sleeve was merrily burning. Daughter got a chuckle out of that. Swarf is another whole mess in coverall pockets.