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Hi from down under

Welcome to the Forum from up-under (Burlington Ontario).

OK @Susquatch - Here is my question- if you drilled that hole, then installer a casing and dropped in a steel ball. Would it come out in Australia or stop at a the center of the earth?
(assuming that: the casing didn’t melt; the hole was straight; and you know how to drop a ball into a casing)
the ball would become stuck in an oscillation, because gravity would pull it towards the center accelerating all the time. But once past the core gravity would pull on the ball to slow it. It would continue to near the surface on the other side before then falling back...

I suppose friction would slow it and the oscillations until the ball got stuck at the core eventually
the ball would become stuck in an oscillation, because gravity would pull it towards the center accelerating all the time. But once past the core gravity would pull on the ball to slow it. It would continue to near the surface on the other side before then falling back...

I suppose friction would slow it and the oscillations until the ball got stuck at the core eventually

Lord only knows what Craig (@CWret) was thinkin or drinkin when he asked the question.....
Assuming zero air compression in the casing, and zero air friction, zero magnetic imbalance, zero drill casing friction, zero radiation decay forces, a nonrotating earth with no moon and no tidal forces, zero correolis effect, a homogeneous gravity distribution, and ball dropped precisely 22.5 minutes before sidereal true midnight, no temperature affects, and jupiter, venus, and mars all at opposition

@Susquatch You forgot that you had to negate a liquid core that is in constant motion, so your casing had better damn well be bullet proof!!


Welcome, @SuperPhil1965
Come in, set down, have a coffee and let's talk machining!
I could stop there, but that's no fun

Pretty much the answer I expected - even if it was a bit short.

As you can see SuperPhil1965: this Forum is not totally all serious hobby machines business. Enjoy the ride and watch out for a strange hole popping up in your neighbourhood.
Pretty much the answer I expected - even if it was a bit short.

Not what I expected though.... I had guessed you would at least challenge the assumption that a specific drop time was required when I also assumed a non-rotating earth. I deliberately put that there to try and trap you but you didn't bite!
Pretty much the answer I expected - even if it was a bit short.

As you can see SuperPhil1965: this Forum is not totally all serious hobby machines business. Enjoy the ride and watch out for a strange hole popping up in your neighbourhood.
Hi CWret....thanks for that...I kinda noticed that with all the banter back & forth...had a good laugh at the comments...think this is one group I'll enjoy being part of...
Hi SuperPhil1965,

Welcome from Winnipeg. 1966 was a better year than 1965, just saying.

I grew up in Sawtell (Coffs Harbour), I moved to Winnipeg to train for the Olympics, though snow shovelling hasn’t taken off as a sport like I thought it would.

As you can see, the Canadians aren’t bothered by staying on topic. Personally, I want to know if the tube from Canada to Australia is a perfect vacuum before commenting on whether the ball would stop in the center of the earth. I mean, if we can drill all the way from Canada to Australia, we can at least make the tube also be a perfect vacuum, and stop the ball hitting the sides, without consuming or generating power.
Yep - we sometimes get a bit carried away or off topic - as we did when welcoming you to the Forum. But we also like to help each other out with machining or other metal working issues. Again- welcome to the Forum. Send us some pictures so we can better understand what you have and what you do.
Will the pictures be upside down?
Will the pictures be upside down?

Obviously upside down.

But it doesn't matter given the sad state of affairs with current images...... Heck I'd welcome upside down images right now. :rolleyes: