Product Help: Recommend a 1ph 2HP 220v mag motor starter (amazon, etc)

I'm rebuilding another small wood cabinet saw (A 'hybrid' saw), and I'd like to ask if anyone has bought a 2hp Mag starter from any online source recently they could recommend.

I purchased one from Amazon not long ago, installed it, and it ran for about 20 mins before the magic smoke was let out. I'm going to return it to amazon, but its such a bloody waste of time to do this over and over. The 'chineseium' made stuff is just junk, but I dont want to pay 200 bucks for a mag starter.

This is the one I bought.

The wiring schematic included (inside of cover) was bloody atrocious, the internal wiring was super cheap and thin, the terminals seemed very thing and bendy, etc etc.


Super User
There are good ones around but sub-200 total cost with an overload and enclosure is very low. Is the motor internally thermally protected?