• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

Gage blocks, $120, Hamilton, ON

We’d agreed to $100 on line.
We visited for awhile and talked about retirement and other small talk including the Forum meetup on April 6.
Then I gave him two $50 bills.
He said that he’d take less and handed me back a $50.
Said he was sorry he’d sold the imperial set and only had the metric set left.
Then he said - looking in my open wallet- do you have $30 instead of this $50.
I didn’t- but i had a $20 and a $5.
I said how about 25 instead of the 50. He said great, with a big smile.

So - bottom line is i got them for $75 - and yes. I SUCK!!!!
We’d agreed to $100 on line.
We visited for awhile and talked about retirement and other small talk including the Forum meetup on April 6.
Then I gave him two $50 bills.
He said that he’d take less and handed me back a $50.
Said he was sorry he’d sold the imperial set and only had the metric set left.
Then he said - looking in my open wallet- do you have $30 instead of this $50.
I didn’t- but i had a $20 and a $5.
I said how about 25 instead of the 50. He said great, with a big smile.

So - bottom line is i got them for $75 - and yes. I SUCK!!!!
......oh bird flipping emoji where oh where art thou?:p
We’d agreed to $100 on line.
We visited for awhile and talked about retirement and other small talk including the Forum meetup on April 6.
Then I gave him two $50 bills.
He said that he’d take less and handed me back a $50.

Lemme see if I got this straight..... You gave him 100 and he had it in his hands when HE TELLS YOU HE WILL TAKE LESS???

YA You Suck.

Lemme guess, you told him you have nothing left for your kids meds, then took your hat off so he could see how ugly you are, and then started whining about needing gas to get home.....



The way I see it's straight up karma Craig's (edit) unselfish work and great personality should be rewarded with wonderful outcomes and great stories from it. You don't get days like that working for a living that's for sure. Enjoy the gages, doesn't take long to find uses for them.
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