With all the bias and spin these days, who knows. What I do know for sure is there is a whole lot of parts (entire exhaust system, transmission is some cases, hundreds of parts in the actual ICE) that simply don't exist in a EV, and so they can't break if there not there. In general people fear change. My hunch is that the primary reluctance from the automakers is the loss in revenue from all the parts and service they won't be providing.
According to the EPA, life cycle impact all in < 1/2 from EV.
And so it goes. If that source was almost anyone other than the EPA, I'd be up for a deep read. But unfortunately government studies and manufacturers claims have almost zero credibility with me. They are the foxes in the hen house.
You are certainly right about the automakers need to make a profit - someplace. It's completely wrong to ignore that. Just as wrong as subsidies to make the alternative view make sense.
I don't think you aimed that resistance to change at me, you would be miles off if you did. I've pioneered and championed change throughout my entire career - just not change for changes sake. Someday we are destined to meet and you will discover that for yourself.
Just to be clear, my earlier rant wasn't JUST the environmental impact. It was the true environmental impact balanced with true cost.
I remain of the view that our future is not electric. The dark horse in my stable is plantoline. True neutral energy from bio-engineered plants that directly produce a high energy density hydrocarbon fuel from sunlight - the most efficient and environmentally friendly solar panel ever developed is a plants leaf. True green energy.
H2O + CO2 + sunlight energy = HxCx + O2 = chemically stored energy = CO2 + H2O + useful energy.
Although I know it is being worked on, I really don't understand why work on this goal hasn't exploded. Special interests? Foolish Interests? It's not really green unless it hurts? It cannot be right if not mandated? Nothing is worthy unless it brings a giant down. Read with heavy sarcasm.
I hate the windmills that pollute my local peace and quiet and ruin my view of the world around me at a heavy cost to my wallet. But I am truly happy for the farmers around me who benefit from the land leases.
Just like I'm truly happy for you and how well your electric vehicle meets your needs (functionally and financially). And I mean that most sincerely! Not one mg of sarcasm included.