• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

Forum Change Log

Might need to reset your notification settings (click account, then preferences). If they are already set to what you want, then set them to something else, save and exit, then go back in and set them again.

That said, I have found XenForo's notification system to be so unreliable that I don't use it anymore. I just watch alerts and what's new.
I went through. Removed all the checkmarks. Saved. Then set them all again. Saved. So far no email notifications. Could be that a lot of what I post isn't read so that would explain it.
I used to get email notifications when someone posted on threads I posted on. That seems to have disappeared.
Hi Forum -
I'm stepping back from the forum executive - it's been a great experience. I'm still a member though and will lurk and post. I started working on the forum with Josh waaaay back - now was it 2015? :cool:Time for some new people, ideas, etc. Susquatch and DavidR8 have really stepped up - which I greatly appreciate. Thanks All.
Hi Forum -
I'm stepping back from the forum executive - it's been a great experience. I'm still a member though and will lurk and post. I started working on the forum with Josh waaaay back - now was it 2015? :cool: Time for some new people, ideas, etc. John Mann and David Wrate have really stepped up (Susquatch and DavidR8) which I greatly appreciate. Thanks All.
Thank you for your service.
It isn't always easy to back away from things you have contributed to for so long with so much dedication. I admire and am grateful for everything you have done for all of us, and I wish you all the very best as you embrace your new priorities.

Thank you @Janger! Thank you very very much!
I'm stepping back from the forum executive
Thanks for being instrumental in the operation of the Forum. I REALLY appreciate that you’ve allowed me to connect with other Canadians who share my enjoyment (Obsession?) with tool purchasing.

Wow, nearly 10 years is a long time to volunteer! Enjoy the change in priorities!

@Susquatch or @DavidR8 - any chance that the forum could be upgraded to use AI to make my posts seem more intelligent?