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For all of us who hate Google spying on us.....

But before giving up I thought, maybe it’s the external monitor. I had it in storage and wife has abused my electronic stuff in storage because she hates it all. But that's another story. So I brought out monitor 2.


Chances are that your bad monitor has bad electrolytic capacitors in the backlight power supply. It’s an easy fix!

I’m running an embarrassment of riches of mostly Samsung monitors that the office was collecting to recycle, they were happy for me to drag them away, lol! Five bucks worth of caps and they’re good as new.

The quick flicker is one symptom. Shine a light on the screen and see if the lcd part of the display is still working, if so open it up and look for bulged or leaking electrolytic caps on the backlight board. Replace all but the smaller ones, not just the bulged ones and usually you’re back in business.

Check out the forum at badcaps.com, often there’s a thread on your model.

D :cool: