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Flushing the stubborn Turdo


Well-Known Member
Sus, I know you don't like Youtubing but I am sure you will enjoy this clip.

My oldest daughter and I hurt ourselves laughing at this. When she was 13, for some reason she had an uncanny ability to cause the problem of this thread.


Ultra Member
Premium Member
Sus, I know you don't like Youtubing but

Correct. But I make exceptions for specific recommendations. I watched it and cried laughing too! What is it about poop jokes that they are so funny? Thank you for that.

It will get shared with family and friends. Especially my daughter......

When she was 13, for some reason she had an uncanny ability to cause the problem of this thread.

What is about little girls! My one daughter has plugged the damn toilet 10x as often as all my boys combined!

Plugged herself up a few times too. Had to use a spoon on her once. Wife wanted to call an ambulance. Daughter wanted daddy to fix her. And so I did. It was the talk of the family for decades. I'm absolutely certain that it will come up again when I share this video with them.

Again, thanks for the laugh!