Being on the Island, you're not that far from Bellingham Washington and Grizzly's western showroom. If you can get a chance to look at the models and run you hands over them. You will see and feel the quality or lack there of. Drooling on them is bad form, chuckle.
Mills are very useful, even mine in her then clapped out state, she did fair bit of work, like slotting motor bases. It's much easier and more accurate than doing it with die grinder by hand.I've used my mill more often than my lathe. BTW ,I don't recommend worn out machines, even if I fixed mine.
Cost !! No one is talking about the tooling ! I can go to KMS, buy a lathe bit for $5, and be in business. A mill requires much more tooling and I'm not talking about DROs or power feeds ! Those are optional luxuries .
Power down feed, this not a luxury . In order to bore decent hole you need a smooth power feed. Think of a bearing housing in a plate .
Even new Bridgeports don't do NASA quality work. This is from an old machinist who really did NASA work. He has a Bridgeport in his shop .
Even the RF-30 round columns are great drill presses !